Hi Gang: Is the security alarm/glass brakeage set if we just push the black button{locked} on door; when I leave the vehicle?? I have Smart key option too..... couldn't find this topic in search, any suggestions? thanks
There's a REALLY easy test to see whether the alarm is set. Roll down your driver's side window. Turn off the car. Get out and lock the car with the black button. Reach in the open window and open the door with the inside handle. ALARM??? If so - it's working. As to the glass break - pick up the nearest hammer and... well, let's just ASSUME it's working if the security is working, ok? Hope this helps, Terry
so it's automatically set when I lock the doors?? {this is different than owners manual...but what a surprise!!hahaha??}
From what I understand, there are TWO options... PASSIVE Mode and ACTIVE Mode With passive you don't even have to lock the doors - the alarm is armed thirty seconds after you close the door (car off) With Active mode - alarm is (I believe) armed when you lock the door. Again, it's easy to check with the method I described. Just reach in open window and open the door.
To add a bit more, the Active mode is the default mode. The Passive mode can be activated using some trick (I don't know it) or by taking it to your dealer to activate. It might be free or it might be $45. Some like it and some don't.
To test the Glass Breakage, just knock on the window. Give a hard knock on the windshield or side window.