Hello I am having a problem with my 2002 Prius. there are the warnings im getting. When i press the gas, it wont go higher then 20 miles and its very quiet! please help me, its my only car and need to get to work. Never had This or other problems. less then 50k on the car! thanks!
My suggestion would be the obvious one: Take it to your Toyota dealership. The red triangle with the exclamation point in it means there could be something seriously wrong. The dealership can attach a scanner and read the computer codes, and proceed from there.
Oh the 2008 prius i sold and am left with its one wont to get the 2010! thanks for the help if anyone has any more info then please help me!
Let's get the fuel gauge off 'E' first. Add fuel. Then with the car off, remove airbox cover and engine air filter. Put your left hand down below and rotate the spring-loaded thing towards the front of the car. The throttle butterfly should open smoothly and not require much force. If it's sooty in there it may need cleaning. Then try to start the car. If it does not run normally, you are going to the Toyota shop. please post updates. PS: If they tell you a accelerator pedal replacement is required, consult Bob Wilson here.
o and if your HV battery is in need of replacement you can get a 2e hand one or rebuild from gen 2 parts. ( if you dont have waranty anymore on the hv battery that is ) its a lot cheaper ;-)
Sorry I don't have a solution. I have a 2006 Prius with a warning: Transmission mechanism locked. The dealer can't find the problem, but changed a battery for $100 and now claims they'd like to try something else for another $1000!!!!!!! Sounds like they don't really know what the problem is because no matter what they try, the same message keeps coming up. Could it be just a computer glitch? How do I start a new thread on this subject? Thanks, all. P.S. I hope you got your problem fixed.
A failing 12v can cause all sorts of computer glitches and from what I've heard they fail after about 4-5 years, so it would make sense for the dealer to try this cheaper option first.
The dealer did change a battery, I imagine it was the 12V or the $100 variety, but the warning continued to read: "TRANSMISSION MECHANISM LOCKED.......pull onto flat surface and put the parking brake on. I just realized that I did buy the warranty and that should help since my 2006 has under 20,000 miles on it. It just worries me that the service department had no real clue as to what the problem is and they are just wanting to keep changing parts. I'm trying to find out what the $1000 fix is that they want to try. How can I start a new thread on this? I'm not totally computer illiterate, but can't seem to find out.