Look what the UPS driver delivered today: [Broken External Image]:http://www.rohland.us/images/2005-10-01Prius/img_0015.jpg I've got some reading to do. jrohland Arlington, Virginia, USA
Would you ever consider sharing? (Scanning?) And manual/nav maual if equipped? CYA. Good luck studying!
Are you sure you want to know? Ok, if you are sure. I paid $365 (US) with shipping and all. I think that is very expensive but, I do most of my own car work and, these critters are very complex in some of their systems. Also, I have the service manuals for our Lexus. Like the Prius manuals, the Lexus manuals are expensive. Also, both the Lexus and Prius manuals are not well done. They show how to work on the subsystems in step by step detail but, they don't explain how these systems work or, what various components do. The best factory service manuals I've ever seen are the ones for my 1992 Chevy Blazer (my winter weather driver). jrohland
You got an area rug in the mail? Cool! Please remove those useless books on top of it and take another photo, please, so we can see the whole thing. ;-)
Ah, poor misguided soul ... you could have had all that and more for a measly $10 day's access to web-whack it all from techinfo.toyota.com, and it would take up a lot less space. . _H*
I wrote a autohotkey script to monkey through the website for $10. Got quite a bit from it. Someone else here dug through the HTML source to just grab the files directly, much more elegant. Sometimes, it's nice to have a paper copy, but that's alotta dough!
it cost my $50... $10 for the one day access then $40 to my 14 year old niece who then downloaded every file available on the site.
For something like $360 you get a year's access to Techinfo. Get your Prius AND your Lexus repair manuals, wiring diagram, NCF, owner's manual, bulletins, TSBs, LSC/SSCs, etc in PDF format. Probably would all fit on a 250MB flashdrive or CD. I have my Prius manuals on a flashdrive. Took about 100MB, including bulletins.