...dickes B an der Spree (Berlin Germany). the German prius forum (priusfreunde) was my first try, but somehow they scared me away and there is not too much activity ....well here I am HELLO I am Daniel from Berlin and bought my 2006er Prius2 2 weeks ago. I am musician (drummer) and will use the car for small weekend tours throughout Europe and Germany. Last week we played 4 gigs down in Switzerland and northern Italy - my black beetle (i think the P2 looks like a bee) did great in the alps with such a heavy weight (drums, guitar amps + 2 passengers) and I could try out best travel speed on German Autobahn 95-100 mph seem to be still OK and a good traveling speed, faster speeds are possible but the car seems not to like it and work too hard well. I am super duper glad to be an new prius owner and to be member this great forum here!!! :cheer2:
Another Welcome Dan, I think you will find this a great place to visit. Folks are generous with providing expertise and experiences with their Prii (?) which have been interesting and helpful. Gary
Another welcome and congratulations on your new purchase. I hope you find a lot of very useful information on this site.
hey thanks folkes - the last 10 years I was volvoisti and member in several volvo forums, where I made such great expiriences. Since than I always buy used cars from forum members, trust 'em more than any dealer And had very good luck since than. Well, it's still a change having so much less horses under the hood (compared to my t5 which had 225hp) - but in city traffic I am even more flexible with my prius and speeding up from traffic lights feels great!!!