I thought of you guys while writing this. I think you're going to like it : [Broken External Image]:http://www.treehugger.com/files/question-mark-hybrid-01.jpg http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/10/hybrids_more_me.php Hope I didn't forget anything too important... The point was just to help get some of that info out there, as I rarely see it in any big publication (there's always more disinformation).
For your convenience, here's the text of the post... It's kinda long and I won't reproduce the pictures and links (there are many) here, though. source
That's a good article; nice job! I just noticed a couple of spelling/grammar errors. You made a typo, writing "maintenace" instead of "maintenance" at the beginning, and "brushless electric motors are not something that breaks easily" should be changed to 'break easily' (motors break, they don't breaks).