So... I enter the car with the key... I use the switch on drivers side door to lock all the doors. I start seeing the blue LED blink from my alarm system toyota installed... I start turning on the the radio a minute or so later. The alarm suddenly turned on. I kept pressing buttons on my remote, it WOULD NOT TURN OFF. I had to walk out of the car. close the door, then press more buttons on the remote before it turned off... Is this a bad alarm system they installed? I can't even lock my doors using a button without turning on the alarm? I can't turn on the radio after locking my door using said button? I can't turn off the damn alarm until I leave the car and press some buttons with the remote?
Might wanna consult with the installers as to how they set the alarm up. It sure doesn't sound like a factory Toyota alarm but more of an aftermarket one.
Did you open the door with the mechanical key? If yes, then that's the answer. A lot of car alarms needs to be cancelled by the remote door open button on the electronic key fob. The mechanical key is treated the same as someone breaking into the car with a cloth hanger wire and does not disable the car alarm. I had the same experience with my son's Pontiac when I used the mechanical key to unlock the door. I had to cancel the car alarm by pressinmg the open button on the remote, no need to go outside the car though.
Yeah but Toyota alarm systems don't have that feature. I've opened the Prius countless times with the mechanical key and the alarm is disabled. That key features was on the smart though. The manual warned against unlocking the smart with the key b/c it doesn't disable the alarm.
I think the OP is referring to the KARR system installed by dealers. Pixol, do you have an "add on" button below the power mirror controls (near your left knee) with a blue LED? If so, it's the KARR High Performance series 3 system. It does very little over the standard system: 1) provides "rolling codes" for opening and starting 2) has a motion/shatter sensor (if you pull back on the wiper blade slightly and release it onto the windshield while armed, you should get several chirps out of the horn) 3) disables the fuel delivery system when armed If anyone knows of other features, I'd like to know. I think it was a jip myself. KARR also makes a more advanced system called "TRACK". Now this would have been worth the money as you can see in real time just where your car is as it transmits GPS coordinates to any Windows based PC. What might have happened to you is you tried to lock your power doors while you are inside using the armrest control. This arms the system while you are seated inside! If you do this by accident, just use the remote to disarm the system - not the unlock button on the armrest.
Yea I do have that blue LED near my left knee. I just got home, pressed the armrest lock button then pressed the unlock and bam alarm, luckily it would shut off this time with the remote unlock button. I'll mess with it at a later time (to not bother neighbors) and maybe see the installers later if there's no fix.
What the dealer's installer should have done was set the KARR system so when you press the START button, the doorlocks automatically "lock" when bringing the Prius up to READY status. You should be able to hear this. Pressing START again when done driving should also "unlock" all door automatically. I've learned to live with it. Pressing unlock with the armrest control doesn't create a problem, but lock will set the system. I'm not sure the KARR can settings can be changed, but if you do succeed, please let us all know. You have to set up an appointment with a KARR representative to meet you at the dealership for this. There is a phone number with your pamphlet and they seemed nice to work with. Good luck.