Today traded my '07 for a red Prius 3, '10. First impresions... More refined, quieter, and 56.4 mpg first 90 miles. Loving it!
that makes me feel good about my '10 purchase because i was on the fence about buying new or a '08 and save some money. my husband convinced me that a few thousand wasn't worth it..
I appreciate the OP's enthusiasm and also the happiness that will come to the new owner of your relatively new 2007. What I don't understand is the waste of money from going from an '07 to a '10. Obviously frugality is not your main concern but if it makes you happy... what the heck!!! I still have my 2004 (78k miles) and haven't put any money into it as far as repairs. Just normal maintenance.
I am doing the same thing, waiting on my 2010 IV with Solar roof, trading in 07 Prius II with 16,633 miles on it. The new 2010 is so much nicer than the 07 IMO, plus I upgraded from a 07 II to a 10 IV. I love the new interior and the higher horsepower will make it nicer for highway driving too. Plus the new touch tracer display is awesome. Life is short at best, enjoy it and stop pinching the pennies. Thats my philosophy anyway.
The guy above got rid of a 3 year old Prius with 16k. Why even have one driving that little? To each their own though.
Maybe he's pretty tall and needed to get away from the terrible driver legroom, lack of seat and steering wheel adjustments of the 07 Prius. The 04 - 09 Prius is not a refined car for everyone. If you happen to fit in it, and be comfortable, you're lucky. That said, I would sell my car to private party before trading in when I could easily pay cash for another.
I'm sorry but I don't quite understand the first line "I had about 5 years with a 2006 Prius..." Are you saying that you had your 2006 Prius for 5 years? That would make this 2011?
I think the key to this is :"About" and the 06 could have been bought in 05 and it's almost 2011 so do the math.
Only had my '09 a year and a half 20 some thousand miles. Saw the '10 had to have it, The GEN II was just ok. the GEN III is the best prius yet!! Don't know how they can improve the GEN IV??
It's much more than pennies that one is pinching. It's more like several hundred thousand $$ over a period of 45 years. Every time someone trades in a vehicle every 3 years they will take a $10K hit at the minimum. $10K * 15 trade ins = $150K + Interest. If someone takes the difference and invests into a mutual fund that returns 8%/ year you are talking some serious money. If you are already wealthy by all means go for it. If you are like the rest of us is the 3 year trade in really worth losing this much $$? my .02
My $0.02- Cars have always been, and will always be, sunk costs. Even a base car, any make/model, I would argue is more a luxury item than a true necessity. There are no good deals to be had...there are simply different levels of luxury one is willing to pay for. While your point above may not be a complete financial representation of getting in and out of a car every three years, I do concede that, over the long run, it is a losing proposition. But aren't most things? Emerging technologies, things that make our vehicles more safe, more enjoyable...more value added, are rendering most vehicles moot in about three years anyway. Why not do it? I imagine most people on this forum work hard and already save/invest for retirement.
Congrats on your new 2010 Purchase! It's your decision and I am sure you are happy with it. I don't understand how Members of a Prius forum are going to critic someone's new purchase. We aren't his banker and with many of the Zero % deals out there if he didn't pay cash it's not that hard of a decision. Anyway I won't tell you about buying an 08 package 6 and trading it 10days later for a 2010.
I think it depends on whether a car is worthy of being purchased new. Perhaps there is no car on the market that meets a persons wants, they compromise and buy something used, cheaper. Let's say it's November 2009, need a car soon and Prius the best choice. And you're 6'2" tall .... choice is obvious, you buy a new 3rd Gen, not a used 2nd Gen.
I dont think you've ever written a post where you didn't mention youre 6 feet tall and need a larger seat. We get it.
Let's see 45 years ago one could have bought a new 65 GTO convertible optioned out for about 6k. Unfortunately the Prius isn't going to go up 10 times in value. I can see doing this, as with 16k he is going to get a good price, never will the "old" one be more. The newer model will never cost less than now for him the way I see it, and he likes the new model better and wants it. Sounds fine to me. Except when gas went to $5, we could have each sold our Priuses for serious $$$ and bought new ones later with money left over, probably.
I like to tease him and quote his posts with a reply stating I am over 6'2" and I fit perfectly fine in a GENII. I met him this weekend and he seems like a nice guy. I'll still tease him though....