None of the performance warranty tests of 40 CFR, part 85, subpart W, is to be performed. This label is affixed to the underside of the hood, on the left side. What is it referring to?
My apologies for not being more precise in my question, so let me rephrase the question: What does that label mean?
probably has to do with the car not running at idle and as such would fail the test. If you google it there is pages but reading it leaves me to believe that the car would fail the test because it had failed the idle portion of the test.
:blink: It has something do do with the EPA....compliance with refrigerant I think.....but don't qoute me on the refrigerant part, I don't think I even spelled it right!
Of course! That's why the label is confusing. If only Toyota had referred to 40 CFR §85.2201 et seq Sid wouldn't have asked his question!
Simply put, it means that this car doesn't do well in your plain vanilla emissions test because fully warmed up and at rest it will not actually be running.
also part of this test is in neutral and 2500 RPM which puts MG1 very near it's designed maximum speed. Above in the Classic and almost right at the maximum speed in the G2 Prius. If I floor the Classic in Neutral or Park about the max RPM I can get is 1850 RPM, which puts MG1 at about 6000 RPM.