Hi all, I’m a newbie so be kind to me We’ve had the i-Teck Prius for just about a year now and we are more than happy. We are located in WA, Australia. In the winter we average 4.6 l/100km (51 US MPG) and during the summer its 5.3 l/100km (44.4 US MPG). To us this is totally amazing as our previous car was a 4.8 Nissan Patrol which I used to flog so we used to chew 25 l/100km (9.4 US MPG)! The story of how we acquired our Prius can be found here: Prius To add a bit of further information to the story, I never get to drive it now, eventually she sat in it and I’ve not been able to get her bum out of it since. We ended up selling her car and I bought a 4x4 dual cab diesel Ute so we can go to the beach with the dog and kids. Over the year we have had one problem. The cruise control used to randomly go out on fault and blink. The only way to reset it was to de-energize and re-energize the car. It turned out to be a faulty brake light switch! And finally, it looks like some of you have custom MFD’s How do you do that? Mark
My cruse control did the same thing and they said they replaced the cruse control computer. never a problem again. We love our 2004 so much that we ordered the 2006 so now my wife and I both will have one. We average 51 mpg now as we put Hydroedges on and lost 3 to 4 mpg. Safety first is worth 3 to 4, cant drive the car if its in the junk yard!!!
Welcome to the group! and just a thought I do hope the brake light switch was covered under warranty as there was a recall on it.
Mark: G'day, mate! See, some of us speak Autralian. B) We won't harm you. Yet. We sniff foreigners first. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and anecdote. Does your wife still take showers? :huh: You fly a plane? Do you own one? What kind? How much does gasoline cost where you are? Is it uncommon to see other Priuses there? Are they considered "pricey" compared to the average car people buy? (Don't know how to convert your $50,000 to our value---unless that IS our value!) Enough questions. Others may ask "meatier" questions, such as about different kinds of beer there. Jack
G'day Jack, yes she does still take showers I guess you sussed out the rego plates? TB-20, Trinidad. Odd really, one vehicle that is a fuel miser and the plane which drinks 60lph (160nm in that time though!) Mark