Well, we've had the car a week, and we've been fighting (not seriously) over who gets to drive whenever we commute together. I think one morning we even flipped a coin. I think I learned my lesson when I asked my husband Monday morning (our first commute in the Prius) whether he wanted to drive or not. He said "if you're going to ask, of course I'll drive". (I'm not asking any more!!) Anyone else "fight" with their SO when going out for a drive? (I'm actually having pangs of jealousy. I only have to commute two days a week, so my husband gets to drive the car more than I do!) Jen
We don't "fight". The Salsa Red, pkg 7, was purchased as replacement for her 1988 Camry, so it was titled with her name first. I have been kidded when I refer to the car as our car but as of last week I know that she understands how fond of her car I am. We received her new personalized plates in the mail and I installed them on "RPRIUS".
In my case, we each have one, so it's not an issue. Granted, "her's" is a classic. Generally I drive whenever we're together. She doesn't drive my car much (she's afraid of breaking it or something... LOL), but given that the classic was mine before we got the '04, I had equal opportunity at both.
No, no arguments here. He has his white 04, I have my red 04. When we go out on the weekends, he drives which ever one we have that day. :angel: