Hi everyone, I just got a new 2010 Prius III with Navigation package. From the user manual, I see that the song title, artist and album name are displayed when pair a portable player to the car through Bluetooth. However, I don't see any of that information being displayed on the screen while my cellphone is playing songs with prius' speaker. Does anyone know why is this the case? Are those picture in user manual false information or am I misunderstanding the picture with titles displayed in BT mode?
It depends on the level of AVRCP support in your phone. For example, my iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.1 doesn't support AVRCP 1.3, so the only controls I have are Play and Pause. I can't post a link because I don't have five posts yet, but if you go to discussions <dot> apple <dot> com <slash> message.jspa?messageID=9981437 you'll see a thread discussing this.
thanks fro the info. do you know if there are any site or any way that we can find the Audio/Visual Remote Control Profile version on a cell phone?