I bought my car late oct last year and there was an update in believe a month beforei got my car. It has been a year already but I still can't use my navi to guide me back home because my address is not in the map.
you don't necessarily have to have your address to set a location as "home". You can have it find you some time when you are at home, and save that location.
AND, it's not "Toyota" who do the updates. It's one of the companies who actually gather the data, such as Navtech. Oh, and because of the privilege of having the GPS integrated into the dash and car systems, you will have to -PAY- (and pay, and pay) for the updates. Enjoy!
Unless you have a problem remembering where you live I would set your "home" location to somewhere a few blocks away from where you live. That way when you are, say 30 miles from home and you tell the nav to take you home if puts you on the right road/freeway etc. But if someone steals your car they don't get instant directions to where you live. Sure, they might be able to find your registration which probably has your address on it, but it is 3 or 4 steps to do that. 3PriusMike
If somebody is going to steal my car, why would they be interested in knowing where I live? Do you think that they would want to return the car, or maybe ask for gas money? Keith
The normal thing is to come back and rob your house. Stealing garage door openers, or cars with garage door openers, is sometimes used as a prelude to a home robbery. Tom
That is a good idea Tom - Change the code immediately on the garage door opener. On the other hand, I have a couple of used targets from the range that I leave on the back seat or in the rear cargo area. Anybody stupid enough to try to rob my house (if I'm there) will most likely be attending their own funeral sooner than anticipated. Keith
paying for updating a new source map isn't a bad idea if you use it most of the time. Just like buying a portable gps, you will need to update maps each year or every so often if you want.
FWIW, there was a story a few years ago in the news were someone's house was burglarized when their car was parked at Oakland (CA) airport while they were away on vacation. Someone broke into their parked car, got their registration and address from that and robbed that house.
I have to agree. Rule of thumb is never put your home address where someone can obtain it without you knowing. Yes, you can say if you lost your wallet, your driver license is the first the person will see or track you down, but that is something you can't avoid. But things you can avoid, it can be limited.
I found the story. It's at Thieves Use Car Garage Door Opener To Rob North Bay Family - News Story - KTVU San Francisco. From that point on, if I ever need to park at airport long-term parking, I make sure I only have a copy of my registration and insurance w/the address crossed out. I also make sure to remove anything that has my address on it.
Lock your doors. Hide your children. Wear tin foil hats. DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE THE MURDERER IS IN YOUR HOUSE!!! Seriously, if you are hyper concerned about being tracked down, why not set the address next door or across the street? Home should take you home, not 30 miles away! Yeesh!
Then your neighbor is f****d!! LOL. But yes it's a good idea to set your "home" to a nearby school, etc within 2 miles of your home preferably.
The updates come out in September/October. I just got a flyer in the mail for the Lexus offering me an update for $199. Its an HDD though not a DVD...the cheapest Ive ever bought the DVD for was $250 or so. Generally I only update it every 3 years or so. The dealer will have a breakdown of what areas have been enhanced in the update, and if your area isn't one of them I wouldn't spend the money updating it. Your 2010 has the 2009 maps.
If that will make your safe, sure. 30 miles it is. It really boils down to your personal pref. Not asking everyone to do what is recommended, because at the end of the day, you are who you are. If you want to enter your home address as your home route, fine by me if that works for you.
That's kind of harsh and judgmental, isn't it? Why does thinking that someone might steal your car while you are at some event and decide to drive to your home thinking you aren't there become paranoia? Seems logical to me that this is, at least, a possibility. Having been burgled before, I would never forgive myself if the same kind of lowlifes broke into my home and hurt my dog, as they did last time. I have a decent sense of direction and if I am directed to within a few blocks of my home, I can usually find my house, so all I want from my navigation system is to put me back in my neighborhood. I am sorry that you need door to door service, but you shouldn't be so defensive about your limitations.