Fun answer-We are in the center of the big bang, therefore the earth is at the center of the universe, therefore I have used science and logic to figure out the answer to the poll question. More serious question-Can that "center of mass" be determined? (e.g. Where is it in relation to the Milky Way?)
it's as literal as when i say "i'm so hungry, i could eat a horse". funny, no one ever offers me one.
I would think the location of the big bang would be completely vacant space.Definitely not Earth. Youd have to find the point that everything is equally moving away from .
I think it would help if some among us did a little more research into who propagated the notion of a "Flat Earth"
Hmmmm... too simplistic. No points of reference could be inferred from objects interactions and the spin of what gravity has input into the direction of travel; and it doesn't allow for a current observation... acceleration.
Nobody is arguing whether the Earth is flat (even in Columbus's time, despite rumors to the contrary, most people realized it was a sphere). What we are arguing is whether it is (as most intelligent people know) the center of the Universe, or whether (as the small handful but very loud and powerful University-funded "scientists" claim) the Earth rotates around the Sun, and the Sun rotates around God knows what.
Well it was brought up several times and I guess I should have tossed in a statement such as where in the Bible does it declare that the Earth is physically the center of the Universe or that the Sun orbits around the earth? I'm also wondering what brought on this sudden need to explore the knowledge of astronomy among various groups?
Don't ask me, ask Wikipedia. And when you do, Wikipedia will tell you all about [ame=""]Modern geocentrism[/ame].
I take back what I said - there IS overwhelming evidence that the Earth is flat: [ame=]YouTube - Debate: Is the World Flat? Is the World Round?[/ame]
I think what's most interesting is seeing how all of the world newscasts are trying to emulate ours. Have some extremist on there with non conformist views, don't question his evidence, but have someone else on who gets less time and is usually not an expert in the field. I liked how the flat earther came to the conclusion that the moon was something like 1.2 million km, while the sun was something like 2.4 million km. No one stopped him to ask how he came up with these numbers....I'm sure that's not in the Koran.
Just in case anyone is on a million dollar game show, there is no center of the universe according to a google search. God creating the universe, is almost as plausible as some of the accepted scientific theory . Universe is expanding like the surface of a balloon. But you cant call the center of the balloon the center because it doesnt exist.Nor can you pinpoint the location of the big bang.
However, if enough astronomical data is accumulated showing a very define skew of galaxy distribution to one side of the milky way, then expect lots of backtracking. Note that the Big Crunch was considered possible, but no longer due to updated measurements. It is always fun to see hard measurements torpedo established theories.
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is Ironically, or perhaps The Cosmic Coincidence, 42 written in base-2 is... 101010... TODAYS DATE! "There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. "There is another theory which states that this has already happened." Source. Will there even be a "Tomorow" as we know it? person-goodbye_design.png Don't know, tune in on the day after today and see. DON"T PANIC So, I am unanimous in my opinion the that poll is fundamentally flawed at least for not having 42 as an answer... Never mind the supposedly trivial issues surrounding why the canonical New Testament Bible is restricted to MML&J and whether any documents first put to paper at least 100 years after the events therein occurred can be assumed to be un-redacted. Hey, the current Ballamer civic motto is "Believe." In response, many citizens ask, "In what?", and "Why?"