I bought a new replacement blade today from Auto Zone for 9.95, it is a direct replacement for the original. All you do to replace the new blade is to take the cover off at the bottom of the wiper arm. This piece just snaps on and off and covers the mounting to the window. You can then extend the arm so you can slide the used blade off and slide on the new one. This took an amazing 1 minute, once I figured it out.
Good to know. The last time I had to replace the rear (last year) the only place I could find it was Toyota. I don't believe it was $10. BTW you don't need to take the cover off if you do the wiper mod. Break the tab off inside the cover and you can lift it up (like to clean the window).
WOW. ... Just freakin' WOW. I replaced my rear blade today just following the pics on the blade package. Easiest damn anything I've ever done. ... 10-freakin' seconds ... including reading the directions. ... W.T.F.