I'm new to this chat forum. Last week, I just bought a 2010 Toyota Prius Gen III Version 2 ie no SAT receiver, just SAT ready head unit. Since I have a lifetime subscription to Sirius, I want to add Sirius receiver that will also receive "Best of XM". Any suggestions or parts to buy. I also have been told that the Gen III comes with an antenna that receives both FM and XM Sat. Can an XM antenna be used with a Sirius receiver? I'm not a big fan of using a small Sirius Antenna next to an FM Antenna on top of the car. Any help or advise? Any instructions on subject matter? Bottom line. I want to add Sirius w/ "Best of XM" receiver to a 2010 Prius Gen III Type 2 (basic Prius) head unit so that I can have steering wheel control, AM/SAT button without showing two antennas (one FM and one Sirius Sat) Thanks So far I love my Prius. It just need Sirius with "Best of XM" so I can listen to sports
Just picked up my 2010 on Saturday morning but I had a pretty nice Eclipse stereo system with iPod connector & Sirius receiver in my old car. Any chance the receiver & iPod connector could just be hooked up to the base-model factory radio? If not, will the wheel controls work with a standard slim car stereo, if it could be installed in the Prius dash? (I know zip about this stuff, if it's not obvious.)
Welcome to Prius, That said, unfortunately, Sirius and XM have not yet gotten their act together, and still require you to have an account with each one. As of the last time that I wrote up a post on this about 10-12 months ago, you would not be able to combine the two accounts in one unit. I ended up keeping the Lifetime Sirius membership that I had from before Prius, and simply opted to buy a lifetime XM for this car. They were willing to make a one-time conversion of your account (if I remember, it was for a $75 fee), but that would effectively close your SIRI account, and make you a XM member instead. The problem with this option, is that if you later get rid of your Prius, with the lifetime, you would lose the membership to the buyer of the car, as XM's lifetime is only for the lifetime of the radio.
I've been following this thread and have the same question: how do I get a Sirius or XM (I have neither account) installed in my recently acquired 2010 Gen III, base unit, II car? Will the thin antenna on the roof work with this service? Thanks!
Since Toyota has Sirius radios on some other models, there must be some oem stuff out there, but I was never able to find it. I wanted to add Sirius to my wifes Lexus and the only way at the time ( a couple of years ago), was from a company known as VAIS. Here is the link: VLine II - automotive LED fog light (LED light bar) Just go to this main page and click on the satellite under "products". They used to be very good at answering questions on their forum. Give it a try. Later on, I gave up trying to get Sirius so I just bought the XM module from Toyota and installed it in her car. It worked perfectly, she just didn't like it so it is just sitting there now. It was very easy to install, even with the Toyota instructions which appear to have been written by a mime.
"the Toyota instructions which appear to have been written by a mime." Ha! I get the feeling that this mime is employed widely in the industry. Thanks for the info. I'll first check in w. the dealer who is setting me up with a 2nd FOB. The 2010 Prius was a rental car that came w/o carpets and just one key fob.... but I did save a little money buying it used w/ 11K miles.
I have a package 5 which comes with the XM receiver and a three month subscription. I have a Stiletto II with a Serious Lifetime Subscription. I do not use the XM at all. The Stiletto can record so if you want to listen to a talk show everyday you can record and listen later. I think I paid $200 for the Stiletto, I think to add the XM to a non equipted Prius is about $600. I ended up using the Stiletto car kit, Pro Clip center console mount and external antenna and it really is not that bad. Check out my links below for a photo essay of the install.
I tried it recently and didn't get very far in my III (see this thread) because I couldn't figure out how to disable the tuner built into the head unit. I ended up going back to my plug and play which I prefer because of the pause, etc., though I would have liked to have it all in the head unit. From my research you will have much better luck with yours than I did as you won't have the hurdle I encountered. I ordered from tss-radio.com... oh and you'll likely need to use a new antenna as apparently they're not compatible.
The Canadian 2010 Prius w/Premium package HAS THE SAT radio. Big LOL, I've been driving it for 3+ months now, and only found out last night. On the front of the radio, there is no SAT button, but when you hit the MODE button multiple times on the left on the steering wheel, it cycles through all the radio modes. When I saw SAT1, and music started playing, I went W-T-F ?!? I have SAT1, SAT2, SAT3 for making 3x6 presets. Use the TYPE or FOLDER buttons to scroll through the different channel types. I'm posting this, as maybe other people have SAT radio already included, but don't know about it. What an easter egg! Now I wonder if it will stop - if it's only under a "trial period".
We have a 2011 Gen iii that included a 'SAT radio' button. I have played with it. My Dw does not like using it because it cuts out so much. It can rarely go more than 2 minutes continuous without a cut-out. Just a silent break of 10-seconds to 30-seconds, before the music starts up again.
I took my old Sirius Starmate and added a TOY SC1 with the SCVDOC1. Its been a couple years and seems to work fine. You'll have 3 SAT sets of buttons when you press the SAT button. The songs and scores get cut-off, you can add scrolling on the TOY SC1 toggle button, I just didn't do it. I had to add my own antennae from the starmate, ran to wire underneath the carpet. Paid the dealer $100 to install the TOY SC1, too complicated to remove the dash to get access to the radio. The video's make it look way too easy. Here's my old post. TOY-SC1 with SCVDOC1 Question: For SAT Radio, does the TOY-SC1 with SCVDOC1 work in the 2010 Prius II for off-the-shelf Sirius radios. Answer: Yes If you had a lifetime Sirius membership, you felt the frustration of only having the XM option on Toyota's. XM and Sirius are the same company, but the radios aren't interoperable or the packages. You can use the AUX plus, but the wiring and channel changing are annoying. I added the TOY-SC1 the SAT adapter for the 2010 Prius II radio package with the SCVDOC1 to mate my Sirius Starmate. I paid the dealer ~$100 to add the TOY SC1. The TOYSC1 is mounted behind the dash with the extra cable placed in the glove compartment. I ran the sat antennae from the hatch along the edge to glove compartment fairly cleanly. Overall: The Starmate now sits in the glove compartment, I gained an extra power plug [power comes through the Sat cable from the radio] and now I use my steering wheel buttons for tuning. I don't like the limited characters, but overall I'm very happy with the upgrade. Plus I can use the Starmate in my other cars when ever I need to too.