For posterity, After getting info from lots of places online, I did some fiddling and my BEC104 camera is working with an RCA plug now. NOTE: This camera is 6V not 12V. Okay, the wiring for a BEC104 (not 104G) is Red = Power in - 6V+ Yellow = Video signal Out - attach to the center conductor of an RCA plug Black = Ground - I'll use the vehicle ground White = Shield - attach to the outer shield conductor of an RCA plug I don't have it in the car yet, as my NTCS->RBG converter box has not yet arrived, but I can get a decent picture on my TV. (Hint: there is a good chance one of the orphan power cubes lying around the house has a 6VDC output. Lots easier then hauling a TV out to the car or a car battery to the TV for temporary system checks) So, for those who insist on the Eclipse camera but cannot aquire the 104G, the plain 104 will definetly work.
I'm getting a Vidtoyo1 by Soundgate. It is video only and has two video ports. It dosen't interact with the touch screen buttons, but I didn't want to do the indefinite wait for the Coastal model. It does have wiring to automajically switch to the rear view camera input when in reverse. It says it will switch into other video sources whenever it detects them I got mine off Ebay, as I could not find any online store that actually had any in stock for less then $375 or so. I just got word it shipped today, so hopefully by this weekend, I can report on the final install.