I have a "new to me" 2009 Touring that I purchased on 9/2/10. She had approximately 35K miles on her and an Average MPG of 39.6. While I have managed to increase that average up to 41.7, I'm tired of looking at the results of the previous owner's bad habits. I have hit the Reset button on the Consumption screen several times, but the only thing resetting is the number of miles driven. I have reset both the Trip A and Trip B Odometers, again the only change is the trip odometer reading, NOT the Average MPGs. This is making me a little crazy as my previous car was a 2004 Prius and the Average MPGs AND miles driven automatically reset any time I filled up with fuel. Please.....I need someone to offer me a "fix" for this situation, I've been looking in these threads for over 3 weeks and I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Thank you for any and all assistance, in advance ~~Cat!
That's odd. Well, one way would be to disconnect the 12V battery for 5 minutes. But then you'll have to reset the driver's side window, your radio presets, and other settings (phone, nav?, etc).
If you're asking about the reset button on the Consumption Display, that's the only reset button that I know of, so Yes...... (the Trip Odometer resetting was done by holding down the trip/odo button) Thanks, ~~Cat!
Do other buttons on the touch screen work as expected? I was wondering if the calibration of the touch aspect got screwed up. Maybe try touching other parts of the screen to see if they'll trigger the reset.
I've toggled back and forth between the Consumption and Energy screens, I haven't seen any issues when on the audio/climate/phone/navigation screens. I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say touch other parts of the screen to see if it will trigger the reset.
The OP indicates that the Reset button is working, since the trip odometer displayed in the MFD is accepting a reset. I suggest that the OP should disconnect the 12V battery negative cable where it connects to the body for 5 minutes. See if that enables a full reset. Good luck.
BUMMER! I purchased this as a Toyota Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle, do you think the mechanics at the dealership would be able to correct the situation? I'm not sure that I can disconnect the 12v battery myself.
I would wait for awhile, or at least until you fill-up next time. Today I had a similar problem with the volume on my radio. The nob would not increase the volume so I used the control on the wheel to do it. I then pushed the nob in too the flush position then pushed to have it come out again and it now works.I did not realize you could push it in. Learn something new every day. So wait awhile , it may work again. H
I have fueled up 3 or 4 times and have been pushing the buttons for just over a month....not sure how much longer I can take it!!!
Well, you could complain about that, but there is some chance that they'll pat you on the head and tell you this is normal behavior. OK, since you can't take it much longer, and can't disconnect the 12V battery negative terminal, can you remove and reinstall fuses? If so, you would need to find and remove the following fuses: 10A GAUGE 15A DOME 15A ECU-B 7.5A ECU-IG 7.5A ACC That will eliminate 12V power to the combination meter and MFD, and hopefully that will erase mpg data stored in those assemblies. Note that there are two fuse boxes. One is next to the inverter near the driver's fender while the other is under the instrument panel on the driver's side. Use a small needle-nose pliers to remove and install the fuses, and keep track of which fuse goes where.
Thanks, Patrick.......fuses I can do! I'll give this a shot over the weekend. Do I need leave them out for the 5 minutes as suggested for the battery terminal or just long enough to get them all out and then put them all back in? Thanks again! ~~Cat!
Once the fuses are all removed, wait at least 5 minutes before you start the process of reinstallation.
Okay.....so on my way to my Mother's home last night (a 65 mile trip), I'm thinking and thinking about all the little pearls of wisdom I've read on this discussion board. I kept coming back to all the threads related to the display lockouts while the car is moving and I thought "I"ve always been driving when resetting so that I could zero out at the right time". Soooo I decided to try the reset ONE MORE TIME when I PARKED at my Mom's and low and behold......what a BEATUTIFIL sight of 0.0 MPG! :dance: Thank you for all the suggestions. I'm off to post on the "Most Obscure Prius Facts" thread! :grouphug: Have a great weekend! =o)