I've had my 2010 Prius for about a month. My gas guage starts blinking and so I fill up the tank. Why am I only able to put 8 gallons in when it's supposed to have an 11.9 gallon tank?
Most people wouldn't see that as a problem. lol But seriously, Toyota left a lot of wiggle room in terms of gas. Guess they didn't want us to run out. You might want to use the DTE display. When that reaches 0 miles to empty, you should be able to put in 9.7 to 10 gallons in. Welcome aboard btw!
There is a reserve of over 2 gallons when miles to empty is at 0. I do get more than 9 gallons though, so maybe it is not metering correctly and gives you even a bigger reserve.
This happened to me: odd amounts of fuel at fill-up, slight inaccuracies with the gas gaug...all this after I had run over a particularly large piece of road debris....took it in and it turned out that the sensor inside the tank had been knocked loose and was sort of bobbing inside the tank. Consider having it checked out. All fixed now and all fill ups and tank usage reflect the commonly reported amounts
How many fill-ups have you had over a month? I'd give it a couple of fill-ups.... I think it may adjust itself out next time you fill up. I am assuming you re-set the trip meter for at least A! Let us know how the car does the 2nd go around! My 1st fill up I got just about 8 gallons though I thought I would get more as well.... My light didn't flash though!
Happened to me today. Trip meter read 440 miles with gas gauge flashing and miles to empty 15. I pumped 9.7 gallons. This is my second tank, but with the mileage it's nearly 100 more miles to dry. I would like it to be a bit more accurate, but yes love the miles.
Ya, accuracy would be nice in this thing. Ive found when I hit my bingo (0 mi remaining) I can easily get 50 more or so before I even get to 10gal fill up.
The bladder has a capacity of 11.9 gallons but never fills up that much. Today I filled up 8.57 gallons from Empty after 468 miles. That's 54.6 mpg baby! So nothing unusual for you.
The first 2 tanks of gas I put, I pump til the trigger disengages then I slowly top off til it spills. I was able to pump another 1.6 and 1.8 gallons into the tank. All the fill ups after that, I pump 1.5-1.6 gallons after the trigger disengages. I'm able to top off the tank without spills. The most gas I pumped into the tank was 12.2 gallons of fuel after 660 miles. I wanted to hit 700 miles but didn't risk running out of gas.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I filled up again today. The miles to empty showed 0 and I had driven 460 miles. I was able to get 9.7 gallons into the tank. Does anyone typically continue to drive after the miles to empty shows 0? If so, it is safe to assume there is at least 1-2 gallons remaining?
I have noticed that when the pump auto clicks off you can still get 2 gallons in the tank until it brims. al
Yes it is OK. I think you can safely assume a gallon so about 50-55miles. I ran about 60+ miles after 0 but I can't remember now how many gallons I got into the tank. The main thing is not to run the car out of gas. It may cause damage to the pump and not even restart after putting gas in. Keep in mind having the car on an incline can cause the gas pickup to suck air if you are low on gas.
I have driven after the miles to empty = 0, pip flashing. It gives quite a thrill, never knowing how much gas you have. OK, it is a 11.9 gallon tank. From what you saw, you could get in another 2 gallons, but cut it to 1 gallon - 1.5 gallons. So, you could easily go another 50 miles after your fuel to empty is 0. Just means you don't have to rush to the gas station at that moment. The problem is, that if you keep putting it off or forgetting you will eventually run out of gas, thus defeating the purpose of the fuel to empty, flashing PIP, audio beep with flashing pip.
It is annoying. I cannot get above about 500 miles estimated range after a full. I once hit "0 miles left". Reading other threads and basic math it's clear that you do have 1.5-2 gallons gas left but once you hit 0 miles you can pretty darn safely go another 50 miles. Although I'm too scared to
once ur down to ur last pip u should be thinking where to get gas next. its stupid to try to push it especially if u have no idea what ur car is capable of as evidenced by threads like these.