Ok took the car back to Toyota and had the svc. manager ride along with me. I heard the ticking noise over the engine noise, but he did not seem to hear it. He told me that perhaps the new window I had was not sealing well and caused a "normal" noise to sound different to me. I question this because I hear it and my wife says she still hears it. Ugh I'm at a point now where I'm just going to keep driving it and not worry. Toyota says it is fine and not to worry about it. What would do you all think? I just feel the car is louder now. Matt
Guess I should have prefaced this with my old post. 2005 with 131000 miles is making a ticking/hissing noise from the engine. When the engine is revved up it sounds normal, but under normal acceleration it makes this noise. The Toyota guys think it is normal. I've replaced the plugs, oil, run better gas, and I'm out of ideas. The only thing I haven't done is check the MAF sensor. Matt