WebElectric DRL-2P DRL module. Fast shipping and very clear instructions. Install will take about an hour, as there are quite a few connections to make and wires to route. My install took a bit longer as I used heat-shrink on the connections and went out of my way to route the wires out of sight. The module itself is weather resistant and easily mounted behind the driver's side light assembly, or elsewhere, if preferred. I recommend checking out this post by CinciPrius. His instructions are very helpful, especially in regards to finding a connection to make for the switched power source. The mod works very nicely. Power on the car and the turn signals will illuminate within 2-3 seconds and remain on as DRLs. There are two different modes you can use. One where the opposite lamp stays illuminated (non synchronized) while you indicate with the other, and a synchronized mode that turns off the DRLs temporarily when you indicate (the mode I chose). After you finish indicating, they come back on in 2-3 seconds. They automatically turn off when you turn on the parking or head lights, as well as when you power off the car. Overall I am very pleased with this mod. The 2nd gen Prius uses 2 bulbs per side for the front turn signal indicators. That combined with their high profile location makes them very appropriate as daytime running lights.
Cool! I'd love these on my 2010 Prius especially if I could wire them to the lights above the fog light area. I e-mailed WebElectric about a module for the 2010 Prius and this is the reply I received: If I can figure out where the correct RUN wire is, I may invest the $40.00 to see if I can get them to work...
They are amber, at least on the US market model. I found out that quite a few vehicles use amber lights for their daytime running lamps.
What is the advantage of this vs. just turning your lights on? I keep my lights turned to the on position at all times, they turn off when I turn the car off. Do older prius's not have this feature?
For me it's for a break on insurance. My insurance company does not recognize just leaving the headlights turned on as being DLRs, because they can be turned off. By adding this module, then the DRLs are on any time the vehicle is on, and can'r be turned off (unless you install a by-pass switch). This will save me about $10 on my insurance every 6 months, so even though the module costs $39.00, I will see the saving in the third year of ownership... There is the safety aspect as well, and the fact this will give my Prius a unique look so I can readily identify it if it's stolen! LOL!
That works, too. It's just a preference. I'd rather have dedicated DRLs instead of having my regular head and tail-lights on in broad daylight.
Oh yea, I forgot about the tail lights being on too... I ordered the DRL Module and I'm probably going to order the fog light kit as well. I think that would finish off the front end nicely... Have you thought about replacing the turn signal bulbs with LEDs being as they will be on all the time drawing power?
Thought about using LEDs, but more for the cool and fun factor than for any power concerns. I'm sure the turn signal bulbs draw very little power, at least considerably less than halogen headlamp bulbs. If I come across some reasonably priced and decent quality LEDs, I would be quite interested.