Date Ordered: 11/17/2003 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Pauly Toyota, Crystal Lake, IL Timeframe given for delivery: Valentine's Day Option Package: BC Color: Silver Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: N/A
The Good: I just learned I'm next in line for a Silver BC and second in line for a Prius of any color with a BC package (only one other person has ordered a BC from this dealer!?!?!?!). The Bad: There are 13 people ahead of me on the waiting list and this dealer has been getting 2 cars (at best) per month. The UGLY: The salesman with whom I spoke said that when they get a Prius, they start at the top of the list regardless of which package the person at the top ordered and offer the car to that person. This is just wrong! :roll:
I'd suggest talking to the sales manager. Put it to them this way - they'll have more time for selling other cars if they're not going through their list of 13 people in order to get to you. Once they find out it's allocated - tell them you're ready to sign the deal, you have your financing in order, etc. Anything you can do to make the sale as easy as possible for them makes it more likely.
Thanks for the suggestion and I will do so if I don't get any kind of a reasonable response from my salesman. He's supposed to call me next week at which time I plan to speak with him at length about (what I consider to be) his dealership's whacked policy. He's already aware that I'll be ready to close as soon as the car arrives and he's the one who told me that they were recommending customers order a specific color and package. I have no idea why they would call the first person on the list who ordered, say, a Salsa #3, and offer that person a Silver #9 that just arrived (and for which they have a specific order).
were 13. Soon to be fewer as the dealer is expecting a whopping allocation of..........3 cars. Confirmed the policy of offering any car that arrives to the next in line, regardless of what color/package he/she ordered, with the sales manager. He believes it's "the only fair approach, considering the circumstances". I expressed my disagreement with that approach. He seemed to respect my opinion and, in turn, agreed to refund my deposit if things don't look much better by the middle of next month. We'll see.......
That's a good opp to start a nationwide search for one (from what Pete said Miami sounds like a good place to get it ) and then offer yours (if you are offered one after you find one somewhere else) to a fellow Chicago-area PCer, or I'm sure they'll refund your deposit when they offer you a car and say that you'll just sell it to someone on their list behind you for a profit
....and that's a good idea. However, I want to be fair with these people. Considering they don't appear to be playing any games (e.g. selling to walk-ins for MSRP++++ while ignoring their waiting list), I feel there's a decent chance they'll deliver within the next couple of months. For now, I think I'll just wait until the time the dealer and I agreed upon. Although I may have made it sound as if I'm in a big rush, I'm really not. I just want to make sure I don't get into something like a June (or later) delivery.
Here I go answering my own post but what the hell. I spoke with my dealer today and he said it could be another 2 to 2 1/2 months. Did anyone major in math? I'm number 8 on the list and they're now getting about 4 cars per month, expect an increase going forward, and will get their March allocation next week..........?????
Yikes! I thought waiting 128 days was difficult for my silver BC from Elmhurst Toyota. You are a far, far more patient man than I was. I'll let you ride in mine anytime. Only 2 box seat Cubs tickets for the Cardinals series in May for every 5 minutes you ride. Sounds fair to me. Jim
Fair, yes, but a cruel alternative!!!!!!!!!! :wink: Of course, Cubs tickets have become about as difficult to get as a Prius so it may be a non-issue!
I'm now looking for the blood that used to be circulating in my head as I just spoke with my dealer. They earned a Silver BC and said it was mine. They said they expect it to arrive sometime in the next 3 weeks, give or take. I mean, I'm in shock because I thought they'd never call.
Woo-hoo! Congratulations! Also, very interesting, because a lot of the people who ordered in October have had their Prii show up in March and April. Since you ordered in November, it would indicate that the "pipeline" is working, albeit slowly...
That's great news, Jim! I just asked in another thread what the status of your order was - guess I should've checked here first :roll: artytime:
Thanks!!!!!! What's "interesting" here as well is, when I called the dealer a couple of weeks ago, I was told they were pretty much finished with the November orders and had filled some December orders. I told the manager I found that a bit weird since my order was from mid-November and I had never been called (not even for an offer of a different color/package).
Well, it's about time! Congratulations! Maybe you need one of those g-suits the air force flyboys wear to keep from passing out when undergoing great acceleration.
Thanks! I'm really still in shock.............literally. I was just about to throw in the towel here! I don't think it will occur to me that I'm actually going to own one of these things for a couple of days.
I've seriously been waiting for the "I cancelled my order today" post from you. It hasn't sound like you've had the best buying experience. Hopefully the driving experience will make up for it!
Thank you! It certainly is, IMHO. I figure it will be 6 months from the date of my order if everything goes according to plan. Re the suit, I thing I just need some old white rags or something.......I'm ZOMBIFIED at the moment.
Well, Danny, you have got to be pyschic! Either that or you actually crawled inside my head (hey, get out of there! :wink: ). I was planning to call this Friday and cancel my order if I heard what I fully expected to hear; that they're still only getting two cars per month and it would probably be July/August (at the earliest). Some turnaround, huh?
You thought the past 6 months were bad, the next three weeks will be hell - jumping up everytime the phone rings, second guessing your dealer, etc. But, for as long as you've been waiting, it should be an *easy* three weeks for you - I hope to hear when you pick it up that it's all you expected and more! -m.