I have a 2006 Prius and the rear hatch washer fluid sprayer does not spray (wipers work fine). The front window fluid sprayer works fine and I'm told that they work off of the same motor/fuse and reservoir. I searched the forums here and have seen people recommend taking a needle and unclogging the actual spray nozzles so I did that. In fact I even disassembled the rear sprayer and used my air compressor to blow air through it and the nozzles are clear. I also used the air compressor to shoot air the other way, back towards the source to see if there was a blockage there. When I did that the washer fluid reservoir cap in the main engine compartment (under the front hood) flew off. This confirms that they use the same reservoir/motor/fuse. Still doesn't work and I'm stumped. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks. Rob
While you are operating the rear washer control, have someone positioned near the windshield washer container to see if the motor sound can be heard. My guess is that the motor is not running, since you say that the lines and nozzle are clear. I recall that one motorized pump supplies washer fluid to the windshield while another supplies fluid to the hatch window.
Here is a photo showing the two sets of connectors for the two separate washer pump motors (indicated with number 1 and 2): Good luck!
Thanks guys, that was helpful and I fixed the problem. It turns out the connection to the rear washer pump (#2 in 2009Prius photo) had come loose and all I had to do was reconnect it. It took a little contortionist moves to get to it but once I snapped it back in place the rear sprayer worked fine. Thanks again. Rob
Glad it worked for you. Next time if you need to get to the connectors you may pop off the plastic pin #5 and then slide off the plastic piece #4. That will provide easier access.
Rob. My 2013 Prius C rear washer fluid isn't coming out. Fluid isn't making it to the hose in the back hatch. Sounds like the pump is working because there's a whining noise when I use the lever to dispense fluid on rear windshield. I can't see the photo you mentioned. I'm guessing there's a disconnected hose between the reservoir and the back hatch, likely under the hood somewhere. How do I figure out where to look for the hose? I can't open the photo you mentioned above.