Can someone please tell me which dam this is? If for some reason you can't see the pic click the link below it. OK I blew it so I'll just post it and let you all have a look at something Dam Amazing without all the guess work. The Buffalo Bill Dam on the Shoshoni River at Cody, Wyoming Yep those are Bighorn Sheep and they appear to be licking the face of the dam, salt perhaps?
I see that Dam photo, Treb It's pretty Dam impressive. I would venture to guess that it's not a Dam American but only because it's made out of Dam stones rather than Dam concrete. In other words, I don't have a Dam clue.
From the Did You Know department: Mankind has over the years perfected the technique of trapping fresh water behind vast enormous dams which are almost always located in high terrain, and has built so many that the quantity of fresh water unnaturally sequestered above sea level has mass sufficent to have measurably slowed the earth's spin (just as a spinning skater slows by extending her arms). Thanks to Hoover dam and its tens of thousands of cousins around the world, each day is just little bit dam longer than it otherwise would have been.
:doh: Thank you I hope I've remedied that problem try it now. Since I have always used this private album to display pics to PC members does this mean none of my pictures show up to other's when I post them? Because that would really piss me off! ound:
I bet it's somewhere in the hills. I don't know. But I can show a dam of my own, well it isn't really mine but it is local and amazing!! If you stand on one end of the wall and speak in a soft voice, people at the other end of the wall can hear you clearly, as if you were along side them. I even made a little video but the wind on the day spoilt it.
OK my attempt at something dam amazing didn't quite have the affect intended so I'll edit the first post and try again. Please go back to the first post in this thread.
Trebuchet, I think you got it now, I can see all the pictures (including following the link to your picture on the first post). That's okay, we're melting the mountain-top glaciers to compensate for that
According to Snopes, "it's not the Buffalo Bill Dam, but rather the Diga del Cingino (Cingino Dam) in northern Italy. Not Bighorn sheep, they are Alpine Ibex, a type of wild mountain goat that are excellent climbers and typically live in steep rocky terrain 15,000 feet above sea level." Read more and videos:
You're right. I remembered it backward. The spin has been increased rather than been slowed down, because the effective relocation of the water mass brought it closer to the earth's center away from the equator. Dams for Water Supply Are Altering Earth's Orbit, Expert Says -
This opinion that I found sounds about right... "Fools! You think to defy me? Even now my crack commandos are in position to destroy the Gotham Dam, which will wipe your pitiful city from the map! If my demands are not met -- if the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS is not in my account at Hogeye Mercantile Agrarian Community bank by the stroke of noon -- YOU WILL HEAR THE BLEAT OF YOUR OWN DEATH AND SWIM IN YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION!!!!"
I don't have a clue where this goat infestation is taking place... but it IS dam amazing Bra... Thanks for the pics.