My Treo (with service from Verizon) is a special case since it is a Palm device, but I can send contacts to the Prius phone book just fine. Of course, unless you are going to put the name on a one-touch button, there really is no advantage to entering names into the Prius phone book.
well the Treo has full internet functionality...for more than twice the price. also since it can sync with a computer, it doesnt have the file transfer restriction. the new LG 9800 is supposed to have enhanced net services available but i be willing to bet it wont transfer files either. (and its almost as expensive as a PDA)
I was making the point that you can associate numbers with buttons without a phonebook loaded into the Prius phonebook, but it doesn't work very well, since the un-named number in the button disappears when in motion and only the number shows up when stopped. For being the smartest car on the road, the Prius has some huge lacunas.
Your statement doesn't make sense. I use the Prius phonebook to look people and businesses up by name all the time. My SE710a syncs with my computer easily. Preparing a phone directory to load into the Prius is a stupid pain, but it works fine once loaded. I just wish the Prius' Bluetooth phonebook/handsfree implementations was as smart as the PSD and its controls.
I guess one thing to consider much time will you be spending on the phone (especially making calls) while driving? I don't live in the Prius and I don't live on my phone. I didn't get the Prius to talk on the phone. I did get my phone so it could work in the Prius, but 99.9% of the time I'm on the phone, I am not in the Prius. I'm happy with the way my phone works and am able to receive calls in the Prius with no problem. The 2 numbers I would need to call while driving are in the one-touch. Of course there's a possibility I'll be able to hack the phone to enable OBEX (the thing that Verizon disabled) so I may make different comments after that.
I suggest you read more slowly if things are not making sense. And you might at least indicate what doesn't make sense to you so that I might help you out.
I read slowly and with incredulity. There is every advantage to entering names, with numbers, into the Prius phonebook. You can look up names and dial the associated number. Why do you assert there is no advantage unless one assigns a phonebook entry to a one-touch button?
I said that because the Prius will only allow outgoing calls with the one-touch buttons while the car is in motion. And if the car is not in motion, it's easier to use the phone book built into your phone and dial it from there. The Prius phone book interface is rather clunky compared to any cell phone I've ever used. Nor am I keen on the idea of transferring hundreds of contacts to the Prius phone book one-by-one. And then there is the problem of keeping the phone books in sync. That would be quite a chore, lacking any sync software between car and phone. For my purposes, if a number is not on one-touch, I'd much rather just activate voice dialing on the Treo (if I'm driving) or just look up the number on the phone itself (if I'm stopped).
Now I understand why you said that. My phone transfers its whole phonebook; updates are merged with the existing Prius phonebook. When dialing from the phone, there is a noticable pause while the call transfers from my phone to the Prius. I haven't tried voice-dialing from the phone and then transferring. I'm going to look up the mod Evan referred to that overrides the MFD phone disable while moving.
I'd like to know that too. There's supposed to be an add-on with the NAV override that Coastal is selling but you have to have that first and when that will arrive is anyones guess. :blink:
How does Cingular's BT stack up to the rest? That's who I'm currently locked into a contract with for another year.
It is one of the more expensive ones here. I don't know anyone who uses Verizon. I guess it depends where you live
See THIS POST for basic instructions on performing the BT speed sensor defeat. I've yet to find a volunteer in my area that wants a manual button installed that would let me either do it for them and photograph as I go or to do it themselves while I photograph...which is why I haven't yet put up any instructions with photos like the NAV speed sensor defeat. It's really quite simple and very low risk. The only real trick is that the wires are very small guage so if you use taps you have to be careful to get the right size and get them on right the first time...I made mistakes and got down to some very short segments of wire.
As the telecom administrator for my company I've tried various cell phone services. Non of them work as well as Verizon.
i have the verizon v710 and about half the bluetooth is shut down by the phone limitations (verizon doesnt want you sending pictures for free). I talked to a guy at the verizon store he said there new phones dont have this problem but he was trying to sell me there new data plan for more money (he wasnt very clear if bluetooth functions are considered data transfer). Verizon sucks but everyone in my family has them. I got letter in the mail from verizon is they are getting sued about the phone i have and are offering full refunds. I plan on getting a Treo or 6600 next.
he is lying. none of the BT phones have any more functionality than the V710 and most likely never will. now if you have a Blackberry or some other PDA with BT AND and data plan, you have sync'ing and internet access which enables you to transfer several different files anywhere.
BT is one of the features I use daily. Carrier is Cingular with a Motorola V551 phone. Phone book transfer is a PITA, but easier than manual entry. Verizon has better coverage and I'd forgotten about dropped calls until I switched to Cingular. However, Verizon had no coverage/partnerships in Europe so I had to switch - I think they now have a plan, but not certain. My main complaint abou the Prius BT implementation is the delay when using the phone to dial v. the Prius phone book or number pad (when stopped.) This is annoying as all heck, I hope they fix this in a software update. However, for calling from the one touch or recieving calls, its great. Quality is as good as the hardwired Cell Port systems I've used in the past. The other nice feature about BT is it reminds me when I've left my phone at home, by displaying a BT connection failure before I get to far from home. Saved me a couple of times. DC and many states now have 'hands free' laws on the book, this is a good solution that could be better. Cheers, Jeff
I have Bluetooth on my 2005 Prius, a Treo 650, and Verizon Service. When I called Toyota when I bought the car last Spring they told me there car kit was incompatible with the Treo 650. I found on this web site information that allowed me to use the phone with my Prius. But, the address book in my phone will not transfer. I find the Bluetooth option mimimally valuable for me. I can answer calls easily, but find placing from the Prius a problem because of the address book problem. It's easier to place the call using my phone itself, which it a problem while driving. The Navigation system I'd give a grade C to. It works, but not as well as a portable Garmin system I once had, it was stolen from my car. I just don't find the working of the Prius Navigation system intuitive.