Last night, I began wondering to what extent attitude or personality type might identify Priusphiles versus Priusantigens. This is not the same as real issues of seat, fit, and other physiological issues (aka., not everyone fits in a Prius.) But rather characteristics that might help identify folks for whom the ZVW30 is not the right answer. For example, 'Indyking', 'The Electric Me', and others who have found the car doesn't match their expectations or perhaps the Prius helped them discover their expectations. This is one reason why I advise 'rent a Prius' to try before you buy. What I was thinking more of the old Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. This is different from the traditional claims that Prius people are technophiles, early adopters, "green", woolly headed 'greenies, vegies' or whatever accusation d'jour floating about the net. I'm not proposing we turn-to and make it happen as just posing some idle speculation. I am curious about those who buy a Prius and report buyer's remorse. I'm not terribly sympathetic because we: (1) rented in 2001; (2) bought used 2005, and; (3) bought new 2009. We waded cautiously into the Prius pool. Bob Wilson
I was very cautious and spent a week running all the numbers and the pros and cons, including the venerable "pimp factor", which I did quantify and add into the final tally as to whether I'd get the car or not (it scores low on pimp factor, BTW). I expected a slow and mostly boring car and it's what I got, which is why I had a hard time going from a sports sedan to it. I bought it to gain a practical, cheap to operate vehicle and the techno portion did attract me a little, too. Today I ALMOST paid $20 for a 40 watt light bulb because, finally, LED light bulbs are actually real and we can buy them. And I wouldn't mind a Leaf, either. I suppose I do like tech after all.
Interesting!! Makes me wonder!! [ame=]Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Hey...I love the Prius and I think it would fit my needs fine. The reason I chose to wait on a Hybrid purchase had nothing to do with my expectations concerning Prius not being met by the actual product. I'm happy for the time being with my Honda Fit...but I think had I took the plunge- I also would of been happy with The Prius. What it really came down to for me, was that I wasn't 100% comfortable buying a redesigned 1st model year Prius...and I did not really want to go used. And...I whimped out. So for now I'm the weird guy that hangs around Prius Chat but drives a Honda Fit. Circumstance and economics willing I will probably someday make the plunge. But just for clarification my decision to NOT purchase The Prius had nothing to do with a feeling that Prius wasn't the right far as efficiency admittedly is a better answer than The Fit. But you know...Heaven can wait....
and, i wonder if people who bought genI, II or III are distinctly different as a generalization. it sure seems so here as the postings seem to have changed dramitically since the III came out.
Absolutely. Gen II owners are intelligent, refined, and good looking. Gen III owners are knuckle dragging troglodytes. Tom
I love hatchbacks for their practicallity. I was in engineering and now in computers, so I'm a 100% geek. I learned from computer experiences that we should not jump into version one of anything even though it might look interesting. I was interested in the Prius ever since Gen I, but it didn't fit my needs. Gen II was not satisfactory either. Gen III comes, I jumped, especailly my 14 years Honda Civic died (literally).
I've always wanted a Prius, but for some reason it didn't feel right until I sat in a GenIII. That's when I heard the voice...."Ground control to Major Tom". It was love a first sitting. And yes I hear other voices...."That's one small step for man.....". OK the nurse said lights off.
As one blessed with an abundance of logic and a dearth of emotion, the practicality and footprint are what I liked. Looks and price were not really important. As such, advertising is pretty much wasted on me. As for personality types, Myers Briggs makes a great deal of sense.
Cool! I remember seeing something about this in the past. Another online test: My MBTI Personality Type - Take the MBTI Instrument Take the MBTI (GACK: $150!!!!) That is about 6 tanks of gas! Ok, here is a 'free' one: Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology I have no idea what this means: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 0 introverted intuitive thinking judging user 1 67 25 62 56 bwilson4web In text: distinctively expressed introvert distinctively expressed thinking personality moderately expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed judging personality I'm not sure but I think this means I lose at poker. Bob Wilson
There are differences between early adopters and those who are suspicious of Trends. I have always been interested in the Prius but it had to demonstrate "staying power" before I would consider Gen III I thought that's it this really works it is not a fad Toyota will contiunue to support this. I wish I would have been among the bold and brave Gen I buyers but that's just not me and I suspect not a lot of others.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough about it. But I know the relative strengths make a big difference - some people score strongly on some indicators, and weaker on others. Take a further look into 'INTJ' to see if it rings true for you. I really liked the idea, but the car was too small for a family of four that likes camping. When the hatchback came out, I said 'that's it!'
My dad bought a laserdisc player in the early 90's. Remember those? That's ok, most people have never seen one. What a waste of money that was. Unfortunately that lack of suspicion for trends also saw him buying an HD-DVD when the bluray format had not yet won out. Oops again!
I think your probably right that gen 3's appeal to different people then gen 2's. I wouldnt have ever bought a gen 2, In fact, i paid so little attention to Prius commercials that i didnt even know they got redesigned... So when i was out test driving cars, Subarus, Mazdas, Hondas, and finally Toyotas (I had an Xb at the time) I stopped in my tracks as i walked past the gen 3 Prius. Like, "wow, what happened? That thing actually looks kinda good!" Something about the new roofline and the wider stance really grabbed me. When i test drove it, i couldnt stop giggling knowing i was running down the road at 35 with my engine off. It was the only car I drove that day that felt like it was actually from 2010. The math worked out between the gas id save and the new payment, so i would basically be even on my payment for my xb, so i pulled the trigger. I love the car, and I tell everyone I can to take a look at the new generation before they dismiss it. About half that look at my car say they dig it much more than they did the old one. Im probably going to tee alot of people off by saying this, but if you buy a Prius for environmental reasons you are fooling yourself. Its great on gas, super efficient on oil and brakes and all, but the rare earth metals ,(Neodymium) computer equipment, batteries, and all the extra copper used to make our cars pretty much ensure that the "carbon footprint" at the end of its lifespan will probably be equal to that of any other midsize car (or maybe large truck?). Mining is a very carbon intensive activity, as well as refining, and all the extra manufacturing involved. I got this car cause i love the technology of it, and I love how 50mpg feels on my wallet. (and even that can be debated)
Checking out the "rare" earths in question, Neodium and Lanthium in a little more detail [ame=""][/ame] and [ame=""][/ame], it appears that they are actually not rare at all. It seems that up till now there just has not been much demand so there has not been much supply and that any shortage if it exists at all, is likely to be short lived. I`ve also noticed that other arguments against the Prius which I`ve read also tend to fall apart with closer scrutiny.
I bought a Prius because I got a great price due to Toyota's media Prius troubles in the spring, and I could finally afford to move up to the performance car (the Prius) that I had wanted for a long time. I'm an energy nerd anyway, with solar hot water, among other things.
This is not quite accurate: recycling - the old, Prius when it finally reaches the metal salvage yard has exceptionally useful metals. I'm just surprised they aren't stolen by metal salvage thieves. We had a rash of external air conditioners stolen this summer for aluminum and copper. energy in use ~= 5x manufacture - the peer reviewed papers support ratios ranging from 3x to 5x the manufacturing energy cost. We learned this when the notorious CNW Marketing report "Dust-to-Dust" came out. The Prius has some different elements but as a percentage of total vehicle weight, these different materials are a fraction of the 3,000 lbs. The numbers claimed for rare metals energy have yet to make sense. For example, nickel which is mostly used for refractory metals such as valves, exhaust manifolds, and stainless steel receives special attention when used in a Prius NiMH battery. So I find claims extended to other materials something that needs a credible report. The simple observation is it doesn't matter what happened before or for that matter, what happens after an owner disposes of their Prius. The owner pays the purchase price that incorporates all energy and material costs. At the end of life, the owner gains the metal salvage price. The operational costs is really what the owner has to deal with. Bob Wilson ps. It will take me a day or so to find the total vehicle energy studies. My past links are not working but I believe I have local copies and can give titles and authors in a day or so.