By posting here saying your "manhood" is challenged, wouldn't be chicken and not up to the challenge if you now back down from actually buying a Prius? It's your own words, not mine! You are pretty much doomed if you do and doomed if you don't. No more talking, just do it, man!
Harsh. Hey, the guy's loved ones and friends might just be trying to prevent him from making a mistake, even if it is in their own ignorance. I would do the same for one of my buddies if they were about to buy say, a Chrysler Sebring, or any Chrysler for that matter. That wouldn't be based on image obviously in my case, but it is the same. As I their ignorance.
The new Mustang isn't a terrible car mileage-wise: in 305HP-producing V6 guise, it gets 30mpg on the freeway (significantly lower city). Reliably driftable with some suspension and engine work. OP (coach): First, I would advise you to form your own opinions. Is a BMW 1/335i out of the question? If you're going to burn gas, you might as well have a good time doing it (as opposed to just being yet another loser being in everyone's way driving a massive SUV/truck).
Time for a Change I feel for you Coach. Looks like you found the "hot button" word of the month in "manhood." It's like somebody tossed large, everything pizzas into the locker room after a tough victory. Half the boys are fighting to get to the pizza. The other half are raising a ruckus because they want burgers, fries, the works... super sized too! From the stridency of some of the posts, it looks like others may have the real issues here. It looks to me that for reasons known only to you, you have moved beyond those around you when considering what car to buy. There are many things that could have got you thinking about a Prius including: * it pollutes the air hardly at all * it uses very little regular grade gas and can save you bundles o' bucks * it is very reliable * it says you want to reduce and stop sending your $$ and our national treasure in the form of young men and women to fight and die if not directly for oil, than to provide security for those dry, sandy, and apparently uncaring nearby countries from whom we get oil now. * you are deeply moved by the environmental damage and economic disaster caused by the spill in the Gulf * it says you want a better future for your family and you're willing to make changes in the way you live to get there... one vehicle at a time Even one one of these things might be provide enough motivation, Three or four together can be a compelling case. So now you want to change things for what you think is the better. But the folks around you don't understand that you want to move crosswise to the prevailing current where you live. I think it's time to start a subtle campaign in your house to introduce information about the Prius, perhaps a sales brochure. If your boys are into computers, etc., one might ask a few questions. Then, "Hey, why don't we go and sit in one?" Your wife may see real value in the added safety features of the Advanced Technology package. You have to start somewhere. It is a good thing one of your vehicles is paid for; minimum cash outflow and all that. However, it might have been easier if you still had two car payments. The monthly fuel savings from the Prius vs. the truck could be quite substantial, maybe $80-$100 a month depending how you drive and how far you drive. I think everyone in your family would think a Prius was wonderful it it was making a real contribution to a trip to Disney Land, say in 2012. lane: <<-- California, here we come!! I hope you go undefeated this year. :cheer2: I hope your information/education campaign about the Prius is so successful that as a reward, your family demands that you buy one hurry-up-quick during the upcoming year-end sales events. :rockon: Light Bedtime Reading
Well....ultimately if you are the one who goes to work and brings home the money and you want and have driven the Prius...don't you think your decision overrides everyone else? I know folks gave me a hard time when I said I was looking at the Prius but it was something I had had my eye on for some time and when I drove it I knew it was the car for me....after the first fillup where I averaged 60.4 mpg my husband and everyone else quickly got quiet....they now ask routinely how is the gas mileage? I just laugh when I pull up to the filling station...and oh BTW....they say only white people drive Pri...not anymore.
I'm 6' 4", 240 lbs and former Marine. Yes, still in excellent shape. The point being - the men that I know, the men that I served with would laugh at this whole thread. So, I'll take that bet. :rockon:
Kind of missed the point. The point has NOTHING to do with what his wife, or what his buddies are telling him, but has EVERYTHING to do with the poster not being able to make up his own mind, and then having the insecurity to come on here looking for guidance...or whatever? The decision has already been made. A done deal. What's the point to this thread? His mommie, I mean his wife, has already decided. LOL
Come on..lets be honest... Anyone with two testicles that drives a Prius is at least a metrosexual. Come on! Admit it... You watched Marley and Me! ...and even though you thought Jennifer Aniston was almost cried at the end when the dog died. You made the paper banners that the Football Team ran through during the pep assemblies...but you never made the team. And you only volunteered to make the banners because it was the only way to get close to the cheerleaders. Your yearbook is filled with comments from girls like 'Thanks for being a Friend and have a great summer at Band Camp". You owned still own Dockers....and the idea of wearing sandals with socks isn't at all alien or repugnant to you.... Let quit pretending....let's quit fooling ourselves. Toyota knows the truth. Why else would they keep the Prius locked in an imaginary world of advertising folk music and fairy dust? Sure we hypermile to the tailgate party...and we overcompensate once we arrive by drinking a few extra domestic's okay because we will just set the dynamic radar cruise control on the way home and the chances of being pulled over are almost nill. When the Kracken is released, we are likely to stand back and say "What The Hell is That?" but we aren't going to be the ones to cut the head off Medusa and save the city. Join me in my limited and stereotypical application of unjustified's fun..and not at all manly.....
Actually this is quite funny, and not entirely untrue. And FWIW I am wearing a pink today. WTH? I made fun of guys a few years ago for this. Well, it's checked so it has some white. And hell I look good in it. GOOD HEAVENS why am I wearing a pink shirt? How did this happen? At least I really liked the movie 300, and not because the guys' abs are showing, at least that wasn't the main reason.
Looking for "the other side".. looking for the "Pro-prius" side of the story.. not just the "you can't buy that car" side of it. The final decision has not been made.. if it were, I would have never come back to post again... But I thank you for adding a bunch of fuel to the "manhood challenged" aspect of it all.. you have given me a bunch of smiles with your posts. ROFLMAO.. I just love where the thread has gone... Thanks guys for giving me a chuckle for the last couple of days....
Grow a pair and buy what you want. Personally I like riding in a vagina! It is actually a very manly thing to do when you think about it.
If you say so, "coach". Bwhahahahahaha But it's your (mmm, I mean your wife's) choice to make for you, so good luck with that. That said, I've never met a "man" that looked to a web chat board for reassurances....and that's clearly what you seek. You either get it, or you don't. But that's OK, some folks simply don't get the Prius. Vanity, or as you would say, their manhood, or the image of their manhood keeps them from making a purely objective/logical choice. My advice: Your wife and buds are clearly concerned with your "manly" image (is there something you aren't telling us, coach? LOL). Therefore, make your wife happy and get a truck. Who knows, maybe after you buy the truck, you'll get "lucky". LMAO.
I bought my wife HER Prius (with OUR money) without her even approving it or test driving it! (seriously) How's that for manly? That is right, I have a pair. My wife can show them to you, she keeps them in a jar on her desk at work.