You will be driving a vehicle with to engines! (yea an engine and electric motor i call it an engine aswell) while most cars just have 1. hmmm semms like youll be packing the b@lls lol. Im majoring in Psychologhy in school and from that class it says not to let other oppinions matter to you. Be yourself if you want a prius but others judge you. dont pay any mind to it do what you please..(sorry if i didnt make since)
Eh, I can understand the peer pressure and the societal pressure on a person's decision for a vehicle purchase. Much as we say it to ourselves or our fellows - get over it, be a man, etc.. etc..., the truth remains that a majority of us are largely influenced by the opinions or prejudices of people around us. Personally, I fit the Prius's "perpetrated stereotype" almost perfectly. But lets leave all of that aside for a moment. I would like to address the actual question raised in this topic. I have realized that most people saying this kind of stuff about a Prius have not seen one closely. They just tow the line of what is the hippest thing to make fun of... Take your wife/friends/neighbors/colleague/co-worker with you and get them to say the same thing in front of an actual Prius. I mean, when you look at this car, there is no way it deserves all the pansy connotations it receives. To be honest, it is perfectly ordinary looking, without a shred of frivolousness. My partner actually asked me to reconsider my choice of a Prius because it was just too plain -- "White Bread" is the term of endearment. One of my co-workers had similar opinions to that of the OP's acquaintances -- I just took her with me to test drive one... she came out of the experience a convert!
Are you man enough to buy a Prius? Are you man enough to stand against all of them and prove them wrong? A *real* man can drive a Prius without anybody daring to doubt his manhood :madgrin:. That's the *real* challenge a *real* man can handle, dude . *Real* men do not allow other people's opinions to prevent them doing what they want.
I also had a problem with my wife......we traded in her 2003 Olds Aurora for our (love it) PrIII. My wife has changed her song......she likes the looks and feel of this car. As for my friends......they don't count...I don't live with them, nor do they pay for the car.
Not cold at all Just very, very busy!!!! (Coaching, training, family, etc.. etc..) After all, it is the football season... Nice research.. and kinda scary The truth.. 41 year old man.. family of four.. very happily married.. football coach (high school) with a SIX - 1 record.. :cheer2: Not trying to stir up the masses here.. not trying to get everyone upset.. especially at me.. just looking for some opinions from the "pro-Prius" crowd as all I get is Negative feedback from all family and friends... Thanks for all the replies.. good, and bad.. the decision will be made soon.. BTW It is a Nissan Quest & a Nissan Frontier currently.. one of which is PAID OFF.. :rockon: The research will continue.. and I will make a decision based on what I want all in good time.. Thanks again for the comments.. I welcome them all.
This topic has given me an idea of how to dramatically cut back on oil (and get assassinated if I were the President implementing it). Have a mandatory Cash for Clunkers, that would be more like cities that round up guns. Then require all vehicles that get 25 mpg or worse to have serious aero mods, including the Prius front, weight reduction, etc.....but above all offer trucks only in pink, powder blue, and neon colors, with manditory rainbow striping. In contrast, only mid-sized and smaller cars would be allowed gun racks, bull-balls, fart-pipes. If it's not already obvious, just make guzzlers look a lot more "gay" than the Prius. Millions would consider this torture, but it's their hangup and would be eager to exploit it.
Hey coach, Your "wife won't let you get a Prius"? Good GOD, man.... grow a pair. Clearly, testosterone defficient. You should be embarassed by your comment. I know I would be. Man up coach.
This sounds like everybody around you expects you, the "manly man coach" to drive a car that matches THEIR image of you. Interesting isn't it? Are you afraid to squash their image of you? Two words.....Rosey Grier
While science has proven that it is impossible for a car to increase the size of human appendages, there are still lots of people who believe in this myth. Will you become one of them?
Not embarrassed at all, MichaelV.. I've been very happily married for quite a long time now. Not that my wife "won't let me".. in the literal sense.. she just ALWAYS gives me a very hard time about our discussion here whenever I mention it. If I really want something.. as long as we can afford it.. she usually has no problem with it.. but again.. the heart of the issue is.. this "image" that she and my buds say there is now attached with the prius... Thanks again for all the comments.. good and bad...
This "image" thing is a stereotypical prejudice, created by those who fear about the unknown, who hate change. Imagine, being in a influential position as you are, the positive "image" you can impress upon your students athletes when you teach them social responsibility by talking the talk and walking the walk - drive a Prius to help save the environment, and still do not feel your manhood image threatened. You don't have to drive like hypermilers do. You don't have to baby the gas paddle and crawl like a turtle on the streets just to squeeze out the very last bit of mpg from the Prius. Just drive it like a "man" and build your own "image" of a macho Prius driver. Nobody's calling me gay when I zip by them all the time and still getting 55-59 mpg in PWR mode! If people still laugh at you for this "image" thing, it's their problem not yours. Just suck it up and do the right thing. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, regardless of what others say.
If you want it, get it. I assume that as an accomplished coach you mentor kids, which includes encouraging them to not bend over to ungrounded ridicule from peers. Why not apply it to this scenario? Not buying a Prius because of its image is not a strength.
Coach, I'm sorry, but I think we know who the man in your house is? Good God. What type of "man" comes on a web site and says he's not going to buy a car because his wife won't let him (that's what you said). Even if not meant literally, what's your point? OK, your wife doesn't like the car. Not "manly enough" for HER. LOL. Too funny. Tell your manly wife to get over it. It's a car...a car that just so happens to get the best MPGs in the country. But OK, that's her opinion, and most likely, your's as well...or you wouldn't be here, now would you? So move on and buy a car (truck) that SHE approves of. Maybe then you both will feel more manly?