Will this gadget work to start a Prius, or will the all-knowing computer keep the 12v receptacles disconnected? And if it does connect, will it start the car? http://www.safetyzone.com/product.asp?pf%5...z&dept%5Fid=900
This gadget will not work through the 2 12vdc sockets in the car. because these are disconnected with the car shut off, and once the 12 vdc battery is dead, I do not believe you can cause the computer to turn the 12vdc circuits to ON. If you want to use this device, you need to add a 12vdc outlet directly from the 12 volt battery connection located in the rear right part of your hatchback trunk. You'll need to use a fuse in line (the + side) to prevent problems. With this plug there, theoritically you could then provide 12 volts to get the computer of the car working. You can also do the same under the hood, with the "jump start" terminals, see your owner's manual. The inside sockets however WILL NOT WORK as is with this gadget.
be advised that if the 12volt battery is dead you can't open the hatch and the only jump point is the jumper connector in the relay box under the hood. It is possible to make the dash plugin live but it takes some work.
Thanks, you confirmed my suspicion. But perhaps the gadget might have some value if modified with clip terminals for underhood connection. Beats wandering around looking for a hot shot donor in bad weather. Or maybe the Toyota free roadside assistance is the answer. I wonder how responsive that is.
One could easily use this after performing the POWER OUTLET MOD via the instructions or kit outlined at Coastal Dave's site. This would enable the outlet at all times.