Hi Everyone, I have a set of GoodYear Integrities on my 2008 which I can't wait to get rid of however I feel bad just throwing them out. Any advice on how I can wear them down faster? ie lowering tire pressure to 30 psi or taking corners faster than normal? Thanks.
Just get the new tires and sell the old ones on Craigslist. No need to risk the safety of yourself and others around you by running under-pressured tires or taking corners too fast.
Frankly I don't think the Integrities are anywhere near as bad as a lot of people on this site would like to believe. I certainly wouldn't recommend a second set but you should at least consider keeping them until they wear out. Some of the tire tests I have seen indicate they have pretty good dry weather handling and braking. The tracking is OK, at least on the set I had on my '05 it was fine. I found them acceptable in wet weather but not as good as some of the premium all season tires. I replaced mine at about 25K miles, in part due to peer pressure from others on on this site. Afterward I realized that, yes, my new premium tires were better but not that much better. If you are really serious about wanting to wear them out, don't bother. Find someone to give them to and let someone else get some mileage out of them. That's a good way to recycle.
I yanked ours off and gave them away to someone, with a warning to not expect them to be great for distance/rain driving. Not worth risking it, trying to "wear them out" faster. Lower PSI, driving like an idiot... um, no. Just replace them.
Don't worry I am not going to do either. I will be starting a 110 mile round trip commute this Nov. I may switch them out then maybe to Michelin Hydroedge. These things hydroplane like crazy in the rain and are dangerous. I do agree with most that these tires are fine in dry weather. John
In Walnut Creek once every 30 to 40 years and then it will melt in 15 minutes max. But he might want to ski at Tahoe.
You are right. Once I saw some snow flying in the air for a few minutes but did not stick. We have a 4 wheel drive for the mountains. I will need a good set of tires that do a great job in the rain.
Would you feel better about replacing tires that aren't worn out yet if you considered it a safety upgrade?
I notice you live in the eastern Oregon. Not much snow eh? Integrities are not terrific tires on the dry, I wouldn't buy them on purpose. But in a small amount of snow, they suck. In 1/2" of snow: THEY REALLY SUCK! Any more questions?
Eastern Oregon sure isn't Vermont, hot summers and cold winters here with only about 10 to 12 inches of rain a year except in the mountains. We get some snow every year though, and some sub zero temperatures to go with it. In the surounding mountains we get several feet of snow most winters. I have a 4X4 pickup so I didn't use the Integrity tires much when there was snow, just a time or two to see how they were, which is why I didn't mention snow or ice in my previous post. From what I remember I would agree with you, they are not good snow tires. But most all season tires are a poor substitute for winter tires anyway. A point of interest for some, the Toyo Proxis tires that came on my present Prius are much better under any conditions I have encountered.