Since there has been some interest noted in one of my other threads, I think it would be a great idea to set up a DFW area hybrid meet. I am looking at October 29th as a possible date. As I wish to actually attend this meeting since I'm setting it up, I would like to hold it in Grapevine, so I can stick around as long as possible, before having to report to work late in the afternoon. There are two Quznos, a Sonic, and a Subway which all have large enough parking areas to hold an event. I am also open to any other possible suggestions for a gathering place. Attendees don't have to be from the DFW area. If yer lookin' for an excuse to take a little trip, then by all means, come on over.
OK I looked at this just to find out what DFW was. OK I figured it out but anyone outside the PNW (Pacific Northwest) who can pronounce the following will get points ( even though we don't have them) Puyallup, Sequim. Willamette. No fair if you lived in the PNW.
I can pronounce them! Pew-al-up Will-am-met (with the emphasis on the last syllable) I don't know about the third one. I'm not from the Northwest, but my husband is. --- Back to the originally scheduled thread, I live near Grapevine, so a meet up there would be great.
Howdy Wolfman Are you aware of the Dallas Area Prius Meetup Group? We have monthly "meetups" with about 25± people attending and recently we had 13 Prii and one Hybrid Highlander present. Most often, we meet near noon on Saturday or Sunday at a restaurant with adequate parking nearby for a "flock" of Prii. Follow this link for more information:
I checked out the link. Thanx. It looks like your October meet got cancelled? The gathering I'm trying to set up will be open to all hybrid cars, and is was crossposted to the Green Hybrid group as well. Since nobody has offered any suggestions, I will select Sonic as a meeting place, due to the size of the lot, and the covered patio. It is near the corner of Grapevine Main on Northwest highway. I'll get a link up with a map shortly.
The address for the Sonic is: 201 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (817) 481-2711 I figure on being there from Noon to 3:30. There are two rows of parking that are away from the main building. There is additional parking across the street from the Sonic if needed.
Wolfman From Port Arthur TX., about 5 HRS away..definetely interested, will try and re-check the bulletin board and see if this will occur, check out my new thread about RITA and the Prius. Regards ia
Wolf...know this is the Prius BB but how is the Ford Escape, and what is your actual mileage STOP AND GO, and in TEXAS SUMMER HEAT?? Don't plan on getting rid of the Prius but may consider the Ford for a second Hybrid car, and do you know if you can tow anything with the Escape Hybrid ?? PM me if you want to keep it off the boards or email to [email protected]
Yes, the meet is on. There has been enough interest generated in both boards to keep it intact. The date is 10.29/05 from ~ 12:00 to ~15:30, which is the time frame that I intend to be there. I recommend parking away from the building, so we can stay out of the way of the other customers, and be able to park close together.
Just a reminder that the DFW Hybrid meet is still on, just 8 days away at the Sonic in Grapevine. A map with address was posted in an eariler post. I'm hoping to see a great turnout!! B)
Wolf I think I am going to have to bow out., just got too much going on with this Hurricane Rita and it's afternath, and too much to do. Sorry about that..kinda wanted to take "Gizzmo" on a road trip, but that is going to have to wait I think.
Hopefully, you'll be able to make the next gathering. As for the others who may be planning to come, Tomorrows the day, and I'll be there around noon. I hope to see some Priuschatters there tomorrow!! B)
Well, the meet is over. Unfortunately only one other person showed up, and they were from the Greenhybrid forum. That's too bad, as it was a picture perfect day for the meet, and I was hoping to have the chance to take home a picture of several different hybrid cars congregated together into one place, as well as really talk cars and even generate some interest from passers by. Due to the fact that I've always had a difficult time getting stuff like this to come together, it'll be the last time I attempt such a meeting. I guess I simply don't have the knack at getting people fired up for a bit of fun. I got the chance to take Deltaflyers manual transmission Inisght for a spin, and enjoyed being able to maintain 125 mpg on his fuel economy dislplay with no effort. He also enjoyed taking my FEH for a drive, and got to get a sample of the stealth mode that we all enjoy so much out of our full hybrids. I enjoyed spending the afternoon talking a little bit about everything, but in the future I'll just leave these gatherings up to those who are better able to get them going. Hopefully some of us will get to meet in the future at one of them.
Now that it didn't happen, I wonder.... Basically most people on this forum is a tree huggin granola chewin al gore loving don't step on a spider liberal left leaning die hard that's all giddy-up on how much they are saving the planet and a few bucks to go with it. I could be off, but that's about what I figure from looking around. Why would people like that drive 2, 4, maybe 5 hours to park in the sonic lot and take a picture? If they drive 10 or 20 miles just for nothing, that's part of the planet going straight down the toilet. Even with a Prius, you're buring gas and polluting the air. I'd guess that's why the turnout was so dismal. No one could let go of their tree and go burn fossile fuels without a better cause.
I wouldn't go that far. People do have them, and all you have do to is go look at the regional forums elsewhere here to see this. My difficulties in getting people to come to such gatherings isn't limited to what I tried today. Some people have a knack at having these types of gatherings work out. For whatever reason, I do not.
Hello again, Wolfman... Sorry to hear your "meet" didn't work out. The first "Meetup Group" I attended over a year ago had only two present but soon after one individual accepted "Organizer" responsibility, it grew steadily. The cancelled meet last month was to have been in a "picnic" format at the Dallas Arboretum which just didn't attract a crowd. We have had more success in a restaurant setting with adequate parking nearby. Looks like Greg (our current "Organizer") is bowing out. The national "Meetup" organization is now charging $19/month to the group as a membership "fee" and I fear not enough partipants are kicking in their $1/person to reimburse Greg. I received email suggesting I accept "Organizer" responsibilities, but have not responded. I found the quote by daronspicher a bit crude and inaccurate and absolutely not true in the Dallas Area Prius Meeup Group.
Yeah, some people need to quit trying to turn every little thing into a political rant. I'm surprised that the picnic thing didn't go over well. This is actually the preferred way I like to have meets. The best Mercedesshop Texas gathering we had, was in Austin, where we all pitched in and rented this sizeable building in one of the state parks in the area (the name escapes me at current). We had a huge turnout, and had so many cars lined up with their hoods up, that other visitors started stopping by to see what was up. It was a total blast. We had another one in Cedar Hill State Park, where I trailered in my 1959 190D, and stole the show with it. All I can say is, if I can overcome my phobia of crowds and have fun at these meets, then everybody else should be able to have fun as well. One thing that we always had as a requirement is that no alcohol was allowed at our gatherings. This totally eliminated a potential source of problems, and insured that the gatherings remained family friendly. Oh well, if you guys get another DFW area get together going, just give me a shout. I'll make sure I stop by, even if it's only for an hour or so before work.