I would like to remove the top of the dashboard so I can have a look around at what's going on, where there is extra space, etc. Following Chris Dragon's excellent directions I managed to get most of the front o f the dashboard off. I even figured out how to get the top glove compartment cover off by pressing a small screwdriver into the side of the screwhole covers in the back of the top glove compartment. Then I could get off some screws that held the top glove compartment to the front plastic frame. But I can't get the dash top off since it's held on from below by the passenger airbag and perhaps some other places. Does it require removing the whole front black plastic frame that all the vent covers and such mount to? Any handy instructions available on the web?
I had mine off rencently. It comes off with the air bag but you first have to remove two nuts holding the air bag to the chassis. You can get at those after you remove the glove compartment. You also have to remove those small panels under the tiny forward windows. Then you can remove the pillar covers where the curtain air bags are if you have them. There's a special snap fit that allows the pillar trim to pop open but not fly off and you have to reach in with "something" to pry the entire special snap fit off so that it comes out with the long pillar trim piece. There's another normal snap fit up front that just unsnaps. By dealer actually could not figure this one out and ended up cutting that special snap fit in half!! So if the air bag ever deploys I'll be hit in the face with the pillar trim. You have to remove the display also if you have not. And there are several screws that hold the leading edge of that large dash piece too. My dealer hopelessly cross-threaded one of these and use a tinerman to fix it which would not come out and I had to hack saw it out!! It's a bit cumbersome to lift the dash piece out with the air bag and display but one person can do it. The defroster ducting, very flimsy, stays put. The manual has a page that shows all of this but it's not all that clear and there are general instructions only.
When I had mine apart I also simply cut the upper A-pillar trim snap fittings as well, since for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get those larger plastic knobs through the slots and that wasn't the part actually holding the pillar garnish on anyways. So now it's much easier to get those off if needed.. . _H*
Thanks guys. I didn't remember seeing the nuts to remove the airbag from the chassis when I had both glove compartments off, but then again I wasn't looking specifically for that. Any more info on how to unbolt the airbag? Also, the speedometer display looks like it's attached to the dash top... can you lift the dash with that in place and presumably disconnect it once you have it up? Thanks.
The airbag bolts can be reached fairly easily with a longish socket extension and I think I remember it's a 12mm socket. They attach the airbag structure firmly to the big steel pipe supporting the dash so it has something to push against. . Yes, the whole dash-top and speedo and warning lights all come out as a single unit. The way it fits out *exactly* between the A- pillars is rather amazing. Yay CAD. . _H*
Check the Homelink VFAQ on my site, it clearly shows how to get those fittings loose. You grab them with a long needlenose or forceps, twist them 90deg, and they then easily pull through the slot. This is covered in the Shop Manual somewhere.
Fred, you really need to look for a different dealership for service. Those monkeys obviously can't read the manuals. BTW, IF you can actually get them to admit that they cut that fitting, get it in writing, and then demand a new A-pillar. It's a safety issue. Tell them you'd hate to have to sue them if your face gets all cut up in an accident from a flying A-pillar.