When I turn on the fan (auto mode is turned off, eco mode, lowest speed), it is always blowing at my feet instead of upwards? If I set it to upwards, then I shut off the car and turn it back on, its blowing downwards again. Is this a defect?
No, it seems to be the default value for the system when not on 'Auto'. I tend to leave it on Auto, but with the A/C button turned off, and then it seems to remain there, as I always use either the Auto or Off button. When I get warm, I just turn on the A/C button.
You might want to check to see what temperature your "auto" temperature is set to. If you lower it (well into the 60's or to its lowest setting) the air might "default" to blowing to your face. This might happen even if you are not using the auto function. Give it a try, I think it works.
Yes it's a defect. If you do this more than 100 times next time you turn it on very sharp knives will fire out of the air vents and into your face. Recommend you get recall CA38 applied to the car ASAP. There is already a lawsuit over this, don't be another Prius knife-face victim!
Your sarcasm suffers from Smiley Atrophy Disorder, the smilelys get rarer and rarer until they disappear all together. In severe cases like yours, unwitting victims may be unaware when advice ends and sarcasm begins. Don't be SAD, use a smiley!
Is it bad if I say that part of the amusement I derive from my sarcasm (and believe me, others have accused me as you have) is knowing that people are not immediately aware whether I'm serious or not? And I'm being serious now. I think. Here's a smiley face in any case: