Having a blast with my new (to me) 08 Prius! Any pointers on how to bust the gas mileage even further would be helpful. Just for fun though. Hope to be on here alot more
:welcome: accellerate smartly to speed, let off the pedal and gently press it until you see no pwer arrows on the display, then you're gliding using no gas or electric. (glide) when your speed drops below acceptable, gas it up again and continue this process. don't operate on electric alone unless the battery is all green, and then, only til it's blue again. good luck! and go on a diet, the lighter you get, the better your mpg's will get!
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cool and i tried your method bisco, and i dont think i am doing it right. Do you have video footage to show me how to do this?
sorry, no. but try searching for pulse and glide. there are some good articles with pics. all the best!
Couple of questions: 1) Is there a iPod integration that puts my list up on the mfd ? 2) How do I know when my battery is going bad?