Martoof here again. I should have scrolled up & read all the INCREDIBLY USEFUL posts before I asked my ??'s in my first post. Thanks VERY MUCH to all you astute folks! This chat site is MILES ahead of wherever Toyota corporate will ever be....
Yes, I've sadly experienced the defect called out in the recall ...the engine died a few weeks ago and my Prius slowly crawled its way to the curb on electric power. But the 'little car that could' found some new energy after pressing the start button a few times, and I was able to drive it to the Toytota dealer for an 'ECU reconfiguration' (that's what the service document showed as the repair...a software fix) My wife is a little nervous now driving the car by herself, though. Having to resell her on the idea of having a high tech car. OH well!
Update: My car is in serious trouble. 8 different codes. They have no idea what's up. Toyota regional assistance will look at my car on Monday 10/17. I'll find out more after that. Parts ordered (?) today (Monday) for Tuesday. They'll call me tomorrow.
<span style='font-family:Optima'>Hi all. I've got a 2005, manufactured in May. I called Toyota--I'm not covered by the recall. Oddly enough, though, all this talk reminded me that I had this symptom occur back in August, just one month after I'd gotten the car. My sweetie was driving on the highway when the car just stalled out (plenty of gas in the tank) and had all the lights on the dash come ablazin' on. Fortunately, I had read about that phenomenon in this great forum and didn't panic. I quickly gave K guidance and we were able to pull off at an exit immediately and get to a gas station. After four or five attempts, the engine finally restarted per normal. I've not had it happen since then. When I spoke to someone from Toyota Corporate, they said they'd put me in their documentation, but that I had to just go to the dealer to see if they could track the error. (If the "Check Engine" light comes on, there should be a software trail of the event.) Maybe they'll be able to fix it. That said, it's a little unsettling to know the recall's on, that I've had the problem, and that I'm not included in the recall. Any thoughts, oh wise PriusAmigos? Teddydmz Northfield, MA 01360 6,000K </span>
On one of the Yahoo groups I was given a URL where you put the VIN in and it told you if it was in part of the recall or not. It's at Now, it didn't work with my VIN, says it's an invalid number. Others on that group have the same problem (although a couple have said it works). This strikes me as an odd site, you'd expect the URL to tie with Toyota in some way.
Very interesting. On the Yahoo list, the ones that said it worked had the VIN that was in the range so it's possible that when it says "invalid" that VIN isn't part of the recall. At least I called Toyota and they said mine wasn't.
UPDATE: The inverter was replaced and I think 2 computers were replaced/reprogrammed. When I pick up the car I'll post what info I can from the write up of the bill.
Morning all, From Hobbit's link to the original/official thread, it would confirm that my 05 would be part of the recall. I suspect it is anyway since it was one of the first (if not the first) that my dealer got anyway. I was already looking into the replacement stability bar due to it being an early 05, and this is just adding to the fun. Ah well, at least this one is a free servicing. And I'll be due for the next one about the time I get my card anyways. Thanks all for the notes, --TSK
Same with me. I'm outside the range, but when I called my Toyota dealer, he said I needed to bring it in. I called the 888 number to double check, and they confirmed that it was part of the recall. So it's best to check. Interestingly, when I spoke to the dealer before calling the 888 number, I was told that I could bring it right in, and that it would take about 2-1/2 hours to fix. When I called the Toyota 888 number, they told me NOT to bring it in to my dealer until I received a letter from Toyota (which I haven't yet). That's their way of doing this in an orderly manner and not having a rush of people coming into their dealer at the same time. My car is being fixed as I write this.
My Recall Notice arrived in todays mail. I believe I read another post stating that the notices would be mailed on Oct. 26. Looks like Toyota decided to accelerate their response.
Found it! AddReply We purchase near last day of March and just got five thousand mile oil change. I am a bit puzzled about the engine stall situation in that on my drives of four hours plus to and from North Carolina I estimate my engine was running at most one quarter of the time. The remainder of the time I was on electric (engine not running) and averaged 60.3 mpg down and 61.7 mpg return trip on a July Saturday and Sunday.
I haven't had mine stall on me, but it did refuse to start for a few minutes last Tuesday. When I pressed start it beeped and flashed the wrench icon. After a few minutes it started OK and the wrench went out. It came back on once more when I put it into park, but no problem starting it that time. Dealer says our '05 Prius is NOT part of the recall. I'm bringing it in anyway to see if they can find out what the wrench icon came on for. It should have stored a fault code somewhere I assume.
wrench icon? I'm not familiar with that. You sure it wasn't the key icon and that something was just interfering with your sks fob or something?
Hey Everyone! I caleed my dealer and was told that my VIN was not involved in the recall. Even though it was built in Jan '05. I called the 800 number and I confirmed that I am NOT in the recall. Cool!!! Apperently it is not every vehicle made within that date range.