Hello - As some of you know I was looking for sheepskin seat covers, and I finally ordered from www.ShearComfort.com After installing I noticed a bunchiness on each top corners of my front seats. I then had prooblems installing the Headrest and pushed them into the holes with the material. After installing both Covers I had at least a one inch pinch on each corner top. So, I decided to remove and send back. However, I had to cut the cover to remove it from the Headrest. The Headrest re-install was my fault. But the Covers are not so good. I expected a tight, snug fit -- and I did not get that. I've contacted ShearComfort.com and waiting to hear back. I'm looking to re-order from Rocky Mountain Sheepskin Co. or Sheepskin Seat Covers - Rocky Mountain Sheepskin Co. Just FYI ....
What did you end up doing about the seatcovers? I'm looking into ordering, SHearcomfort cheapest but wonder if one would have the same fit problems with other companies?
What it boils down to, is if you are unhappy with a product, you are unhappy with the product. Good luck, I don't know Shearcomforts warranty or return policies. Judging from the pictures I do see some bunching...but the arguement from the manufacturer could easily be that you are dealing with real Sheep Skin, which is not a man made product of expectable manufactured uniformity. However, I would say I owned for a period of time some generic sheep skin covers I bought at Costco. I don't remember them having that type of bunching. Keep us posted. Would be of value to know how Sheercomfort handles this type of situation.
Ray, sorry to hear about the poor fit. Curious, before you cut them in order to remove them, was the fit worse than mine? Below is my post from another thread with pics of the covers:
I personally would not use any thick seat covers (sheepskin, Wet Okole with 1/2" foam) being a tall person in the Gen2 Prius because the seat is very small, and thick covers use up the little seat 'real estate' available. I opt for thin, auto parts store seat covers, but that's just me. Reupholstering my used driver's seat with Katzkin leather a couple years from now might be tempting.
AVOID Shear Comfort at all costs !!!! The lady I spoke to was Lori ... Lori was all about returning my calls and helping me BEFORE the sale .... Afterwards, almost 3 days waiting for a return email. Their sheepskins were bunchy in the corners. bad quaility, and Laura told me this would not happen and it did. Avoid Lori and Shear Comfort -- They have cheap Sheepskins. I advise pay a little more and order from LambAuto.com in San Diego ( Ca ). My 2 cents