My wife and friends will not allow me to buy a Prius.. I have been here before, and I have posted similar to this before.. I like the Prius.. and I love the next gen tech of it, and of course the gas / eco aspects of it... my wife and friends tell me the following: NO REAL MAN WILL DRIVE A PRIUS, IT IS FOR "input feminine/explitive term here"!!!!! It seems the movie industry also feels this way.. with the scene in the "Other Guys" where Mark W. makes the comment on Will Ferrils's Red Prius- "It's like riding/driving in a vagina". What say you????
I got crap from friends and family too (not my wife she was on board). I can understand that public perception can be skewed by many factors but I dont let fiction into my decision making. For me the Prius is a great car for a family of four for so many reasons. I had a G35X Sedan before this and other sporty/hip cars This car is by far more sensible financially. I also got to use the HOV lane with just one occupant so my 21 mile commute to work is not an aggravating one. We also have a 2010 Murano LE which is great for when we need something a little bigger for the family.
I say you sound like you are hung up on other people's opinions..... This is based on your previous posts concering what kind of people drive Prii. Get the car YOU like. If other people can't handle it then F' em. There are too many closed-minded people in this country who's worldview is tainted by political ideologies and manipulative marketing. As for your friends and wife... Simply inform them that a real man can drive any type of vehicle and still be a man whereas the inferior and weak feel they MUST drive a "manly" status symbol to make up for their own inner shortcomings. Or to put it succinctly, I'd rather be inside a vagina than riding a d%^&!
Maybe you need new friends? I refuse to comment on other peoples wives. Either that or stick with a Hummer or a Suburban from Government Motors.
Perhaps you have the wrong friends. My friends were envious and curious when I bought my Prius. Several now have one. Tom
Yeah.. if you let your wife and friends push you around like that, maybe you are a "input feminine/explitive term here". The Prius is an amazing feat in engineering. When you start to learn all that went into making it work the way it does, and see all of the gadgetry at your fingertips, you start to appreciate how it is very much a manly car.
LOL... i got the same crap - I didn't let anyone pursuade me not to buy... I just went and bought it! I love it - yeah... there's a preceived demographic with this car, but change starts with me. When I sit in my prius I feel like the captain of my own spaceship... (don't get me wrong, I AM NOT A TREKKIE or geek like that) But I can't help but dig all that my prius has to offer. The feel, the sounds... it's crazy. I didn't buy a car to race down the street for "pinks" or street "cred"... I bought because I needed something to save me money and something that looks good too. I'm not a tree hugger, hippie, or one of the other many names I've been called (lately) LOL... I'm a sensible driver who doesn't have to spend all my hard earned cash on a gas guzzler! The features and technology at my hands is just the icing on the cake. The look of the car is awesome, the ride is smooth, and the gadgetry inside is relevent to the times. So don't let anyone sway you one way or the other... Test it out for yourself. And to be honest... now I have people telling me they want to go for a ride because they're "curious" as to what this technology has to offer... LOL and they walk away saying... "Can i drive???" my reply is HELL NO- buy your own! It's all ignorance when it comes to the prius... but all that changes once you experience the prius for yourself. I'm 36 years old... And my Prius doesn't make me 50 or suddenly grow breasts! My car is awesome... and when I'm behind the wheel.. I'm rockin it.
A 'Real Man' would not allow their wife and 'friends' to dictate when he drives. No 'Real Man' would care what others think, and would stand up for himself. "I am a real man, and I would gladly trade in my Prius to be able to ride in a Vagina all day". Kidding of course, but come on.. Sheesh. I say, a real man would drive what he wants. To some, it's a Corvette, to others a Nissan 370Z, to me, It's a 2010 Prius V, with the bells and whistles. Ultimately, you should buy what you want (or your wife wants, or somewhere in the middle) But the ony challenge here to your manhood seems to be your doubting yourself, or needing to be reassured. Get a 'backbone' and buy a Prius. You'll be happy you did. I am.
Driving a Prius or Owning a Prius or Buying Prius IMO has nothing to do with ones "manhood". Although I aknowledge that among certain circles and enviroments stereotypes do get attached or preconcieved ideas based on outdated perceptions of horsepower and raw petrol burning torque somehow being equated to ones potential testosterone level. Unfortunately, the auto industry seems to enjoy subconciously perpetuating these myths and falsehoods by surrounding The Prius with advertising that looks like it was thought out at a round table headed by Richard Simmons. But I patiently await the day, that a hybrid, electric mainstream vehicle doesn't get promoted on a wave of unbearable toddler/kitten cuteness. I have every hope I'll see this before I die. Odd because in different countries, and in the earlier years of Prius, Toyota did not feel obligated to roll out the cute fuzzies to sell Prius...but it seems the approach they most want to cuddle with now.... But in anycase what is a barometer of one's manhood? The fact that he might drive a vehicle with 2 power sources? An engine and and electric motor? Or is a barometer more someone who lets his friends and wife influence him by spouting ignorance and evidently letting this same ignorance influence "him". I'm man enough to drive what I want to drive. In my opinion "real men" don't let friends and even wives tell them what they should drive based on what? The fact that an electric motor is hard to "rev"? Idiotic. And sorry, but I have to question the motivation of even starting a thread in Prius Chat based on this topic. You are in Prius Chat. "What Say You?" Well what do you expect? The majority here are Prius Supporters and enthusiasts. If you've posted on this before, what change do you expect? No, the machine you choose to use as personal transportation, is ultimately just a machine. It's up to us as individuals to define our own manhood, womanhood or IMO more precisely our humanity. And personally, I'll take responsibilty for that myself. I have friends and aquaintences that have misconceptions about Prius and Hybrids, and when they spout forth these misconceptions...I don't let them, without a fight.... Does that make me a man? Quite frankly? Who Cares......
Reminds me of the poor farm family over in Jackson County Alabama. Their mule business had collapsed and were down to their last jack, a male burrow, so they decided to sell it at the Fort Payne auction. As he and his son were fixing to walk down the dirt road, his wife said,"You should at least get some use before you sell it. Ride it to the auction." So putting his son the jack, they started down the trail. They had to pass by his mother's house and she called out,"Why you ungrateful child . . . riding the burrow while your poor father has to walk." So they decided to change places. Around the bend, they passed by an aunt's place and she yelled out,"You heartless old man, riding that jack while your son walks in the dirt." So they both got on the burrow who stated to sway a little bit. They came upon their minister and explained what was going on and he said,"Well you've overloaded that poor animal and he won't make it to Ft. Payne." Since they wanted to sell the animal, they picked up the jack and carried it on their backs down the trail. They had to cross an old style chain bridge, Jackson County is near the Smoky Mountains, and the burrow looked over the side, got scared and started buckin'. Sure enough, he jumped out of their grasp and fell to his death in the hollar. MORAL: If you listen to everyone, you'll lose your nice person. Bob Wilson
You're overlooking the most basic fact of car ownership: The lower the gas mileage, the smaller the penis.
I'm a 25 year old punk Asian kid and I drive a Prius. I don't ever let my friends or family decide what I want.
I think purchasing the Prius lets others know that you are secure in your manhood. There is a bumper sticker out there which says "Nice truck, too bad about your p.n.s." What others think is what they will think, you have no control over that. If you think it is the right car and the right thing to do, do it! I have recently become a grandfather and I want my grandson to have quality air to breath. Tony Renier Green Bay, WI, USA
I can't believe anyone over the age of 18 would give two hoots what their mates think about their new car choice. Just get the car you want and maybe ask your wife if you want an easy life.
It's one thing to be aware of stigmas for something you buy. It's something else entirely to actually buy or not buy something because of the opinions of others for something as petty as whether a particular vehicle is feminine or not. Tell your friends that when they start footing the monthly payment that you'll drive what they want you to drive. IMO the only person here you need to convince is your wife; your friends will get over it.
Hahaha, this thread is so funny. BTW, I also sometimes wonder why some women drive huge SUV/truck. Are they trying to compensate for their small b@#bs? Shouldn't they drive the Prius becuase it is "input feminine/explitive term here" car? haha