If you've got a Gen III Prius and a ScanGauge II, head on over to my Google Docs Spreadsheet to see the current XGAUGEs available. Gen III XGAUGEs I just added a couple new ones. (Traction Battery Temp and working Catalyst Temps.) I'm also working on the Cruise Control Set speed (so you can see exactly what speed Cruise is set to. Let me know if you have any comments or questions. --A
Sweet, CC speed was one of the "wants" on my list, as well as HV battery temp. SOC is still something that'd be nice - if the combination meter can read it, it seems like we should too, but I may be ignorant on whether the combination meter is polling CAN bus or something else. I've brainstormed on a few others that might be cool: * Solar panel voltage (polled from solar ECU) - might help determine if where we're parking will have enough power to keep the car cool - not sure if this is even active while the car is on. - SRV * % of EV only power available - is this available or pollable? Might help us feather the pedal to keep out of the ICE, in both EV mode and/or stealth. I know the HSI reveals this too.
SOC, Batt Voltage and Fuel Cut are all multi-frame requests. They won't work on the SGII until the unit is capable of handling these types of requests. Once it does, these will work right away. I have polled SoC (with my laptop) and here are my observations: ~79.5% maximum SoC possible. Over that the ECU starts spinning the ICE to burn off electrical power. I have seen just over 80% before. Once you hit this level, you no longer use regenerative breaking either ... all friction. 60% SoC is the spot the ECU likes to have the batteries. On the highway cruising, it ends up right here. It'll dip from a high speed passing maneuver but the ECU charges it back up... anything over that is drained away with EV assist. Over 60% and you have more EV power available -- under 60% and you have less available. The HSI looks the same, but the throttle input becomes less or more sensitive. With over 60% SOC it's pretty easy to get up to 40mph in EV only, even up slight hills. As SOC drops EV power does too. About 40% and the ICE will kick in to recharge things. If I recall, it stop charging around 45%. 25% is the absolute minimum. If you are parked with the car in neutral, at 25% it will start screaming at your to put the car into park to charge up the traction battery. The battery gauge on the combination meter isn't linear. If I recall 60% is two bars from the top .... and 1 bar showing is below 45%. Over 75% or so shows full charge. I haven't seen a Prius first hand with Solar, so I'm not sure what controls the panel... From what I heard the panel is disconnected when the car is on due to interference it cases... Would be interesting to see what signals are available with the solar roof. As for the other one, there isn't anything like this.... As far as I can tell the best way to determine max EV allowed is the HSI middle line. The max amps to MG2 can vary from 25amps max to 50amp or more. This seems to mainly be controlled by SoC..... If you SoC is very high (near the max) you can actually push the HSI past the middle line before the ICE kicks in... I have gone as much as half-way into the white section. SoC drops very quickly and things return to normal. Some people have reported being able to exceed 43mph without ICE lightup as well when SoC was very high. I have personally not seen this. The discharge XGAUGE might have something to do with max power available too ... though it doesn't really behave as expected to me. As you approach max possible SoC discharge does shoot way up very quickly but in the normal range it doesn't seem to change much even though max amps you can draw does.... I need to go drive around in an open area to get all the math right for Cruise Set -- but I have the right TXD and RXD for it already.
Cruise MTH would differ for MPH vs. km/h, no? I know solar isn't connected to the rest of the 12V system, but I'd have to review the electrical diagrams to see if it's disconnected before or after the ECU.
According to the service manual, you can read the solar panel voltage with Techstream, which means it's available on the bus. This doesn't mean the SGII can read it, though ... as this ECU might be on a different bus than CAN and right now the SGII cannot talk to the other buses (via the Main Body ECU which is the interface) ... It doesn't support the addressing mode required. I should be able to figure it out if I got access to a solar equipped vehicle.
If you're close to the beach cities area, you're welcome to come by and hook up your SGII to my car and see if it can talk to the ECU that controls the panels. I'm just relaxing for the last 3 weeks of summer before I leave for the fall haha
Would these work with gen-2 Prius? I am in particular interested in the inverter coolant temp. Thanks!
Thanks! But the gen-2 list seems the same old one and does not have inverter coolant temp. I was just wondering if the gen-3 parameters could work for gen-2 as well?
ICE runtime vs Drive Time I am hoping to use the SGII on my Gen III to see the % of time the ICE is powered up while driving. I thought I could figure that out using Cet, Mti and Cti. From a quick test my Mti never changes, stays at 0. Cet starts at 0 when powered up and seems to be the same measurement as Cti except Cti does not reset when the car is powered off. It appears Cet & Cti are measuring engine run time not drive time. Does this sound correct? What is Mti? Is there something that measures the time the wheels are moving, what I am calling drive time?
Some further observations. It appears that Cet and Cti are total time not engine on time. The other thing I am begining to wonder is if the measure the entire time the Power is on. On a different one FRI, friction braking, mine seems to be at a value of 655 when no breaking is happening. As soon as you start to press the break it changes to 0.00 and if you continue to break to a stop it will start to increase. It appears to me that 655 means no breaking, 0.00 means no friction breaking. What I wonder is if there is some way to tell how much regen breaking is going on. For instance is any number above 0.00 and not 655 mean there is no regen breaking or can it be both friction breaking and regen breaking a the same time. One other thing of note is even at a dead stop if you put more pressure on the break the number increases. This makes sense because the description says it is break cylinder pressure.