I think that we should make some kind of signal to wave to another Prius if we see one. Then we will know that they are apart of Priuschat. Like flash the Brights or honk twice. Something like that, would be fun. What do you think? Suggestions? Brian
I've read that 24% of the drivers in my state are carrying a gun, so I'll skip the horn. However, I have tried flashing my headlights and waving to other drivers but have only been recognized by another Prius pilot once in maybe five tries. The last time was stopped alongside another new owner at a light, but he appeared deep in thought and never acknowledged my waving...or ignored it. Still, the car gets many looks and favorable comments from about half the drivers. For the other half of the drivers in Oregon (half of all new registrations are SUV's or trucks), I wind up looking at their lug nuts while stopped.
Honestly, I seldom look at other drivers while driving. I am too busy concentrating on the traffic. Once I've noted the presence of a car, I don't bother looking for signals from, or making signs at other drivers. Playing games while driving seems a bad idea to me.
How about buying a license plate frame with the PriusChat.com logo on it? http://www.priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1711
I'm much the same way - I tend to be listening to music and just paying attention to my driving. I very rarely notice other cars around me except in a "there's a car near me" sort of way. So, no offense if I fail to notice another Prius waving That said, aside from our meeting at a Toyota event, I STILL havn't seen another Prius on the road while driving. Dave
They're starting to come out the woodwork here in the Bay Area. I passed three of them commuting to work yesterday. I couldn't believe it...
I was so exited about my 53.7 MPG (traffic does make it better) that I failed to notice a Tideland Green right next to me at a stop light! I have seen a few parked in the wild but only a couple while actually driving. One I think was a rental since it had a enterprise sticker on it. I was able to wave at that person. I may get a Priuschat license plate holder, then I might know if others in my area are on this board. Shona
The license plate holder idea won't work in TX. There's a newish state law that outlaws any license plate cover that even remotely covers any letter on the plate.