You can't fault IKEA for trying. My wife and I were at IKEA today and there were two "Hybrid Only" parking spots that we saw. Below is what were parked in them.
That's nothing. I routinely see people park their sports cars in a disabled parking spot and walk/stride without assistance into the malls. Privately I thought, "Ah, these people must be mentally disabled."
maybe it was a PHEV conversion ... hey ... ya never know ... or maybe with that gloomy weather, he couldn't read the sign. Wait ... I got it . . . French Canadian ... can't read ... oh, I mean can't read English. no?
That's in Schaumburg right? I was there a month ago and saw the same thing but that time it was a couple full size trucks parked in it.
Yeah, Kimoy. I was wondering: 1) Who would I raise complaints to? 2) Just how smug and whiny would it make me sound if I complained? I wonder what would happen if I parked in one of those "expecting mother" spots?
if anyone complains, just remind them of [ame=""]Junior (1994)@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] and call yourself Arnold
Did you ever think they might be picking up someone who is handicapped? I had some douchebag read me the riot act when I parked in a handicap spot. I bet he felt like a real nice person when I came back out of the building with my wife in her wheelchair.
hey cheesy, did you have some kind of mark on your car, like a handicap license plate or hanging tag? if so, then the douchebag was a douchebag. but if you don't have your car marked, then he was maybe just trying to stick up for the people who need the spot. i don't know if your wife's condition is permanent or temporary, so these are just my thoughts.
I had one of those hanging tags on the rearview mirror. Luckily my wife's condition was temporary. She broke her foot in a motorcycle mishap and then sprained her shoulder so she needed a wheelchair for awhile. Luckily nothing like this ever happened to our car: Indyarocks Videos - Handicap
When I was in college, I rode the elevator with a wheelchaired friend from the first floor to the second. He asked, "what are you doing?" I said, "I'm riding the elevator." He said, "I used to use elevators every chance I get. Now every time I ride in an elevator I wish I could walk up the steps." Group dynamics permitting, anything under about four floors gets the stairwell. Getting back to the post, I didn't mention in my original post that there were vacant handicapped spots in better locations. There were.
I don't think wheelchairs fit into any of those 2 seater convertables? Anyways, even if the driver is not handicaped but he's driving a handicaped person, he still have to have a handicap sticker on the car's windshield, or the traffic cops can give him a ticket.
My thought is that they wouldn't do anything to enforce it anyway, for fear of alienating customers, and that it's meant as more of a "suggestion." Probably more effective to put irritating notes on the windshields of the "offenders."
Next time, just park directly behind both vehicles. They'll soon ask you to come move your car into the spot when they can't leave... I can already see this happening with EV charging spaces. Just hope they'll have long cords.......