WOuld someone mind taking a picture of your setup if your vehicle came from the factory with the autodimming and homelink. I am wanting to add the auto dim and homelink to our car, but am wanting it to look factory... i am just wondering what the difference in looks are. I beleive thre is a factory black piece that fits over the wires. My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks!
One of the other posts on here where someone was selling one shows that it comes with the wire cover up piece you're talking about..... -Sam
Until those of us reading this can get a picture posted from our cars, can you post a picture of the aftermarket one that you are looking (as it looks installed), as we may be able to tell you if ours looks the same in a flash. (Edited a minute later, as the picture above was posted) Mine looks almost identical to the one posted here, except for the fact that in the picture (angle is hard to determine from the picture) but it looks as though the buttons on the bottom of the mirror posted here, are almost facing downwards. The ones that came installed in my 2010 Prius V, the buttons are facing rear, and not downwards. This means that the face of my buttons are vertical, and not at an angle, as they would seem to be here. That aside, it does look the same, including the wire cover.
There are several models of auto-dimming mirrors from Gentex. The Prius comes with Homelink. Why not pick one up with a compass as well. Gentex produces auto-dimming mirrors for many manufacturers.
Frankly, I wish that I did not have the 'auto-dimming' mirror. It seems to never dim when I need it, as the shadow from the rear lid divider (between the two rear windows) seems to cast a shadow on the mirror's light sensor, it seems that I am often blinded, and must adjust the mirror so that I only see from it when I raise my head. I long for the manual adjustment switch that I've always had on my mirrors before this. Why not place a light sensor on the rear of the car instead on the mirror (or behind the mirror glass itself, to sense the actual amount of light it's reflecting?) For me, the only reason to keep it installed is the remote door buttons built into it.
Remember that it's not the fault of the mirror but rather the rear spoiler. That same mirror in any sedan works perfectly fine (loved it in our Camry). The rear spoiler on the Prius partially blocks the light, thus making the auto-dimming mirror less effective.