The exterior looks OK to me, but I am not wild about the graphics. I wonder if they will all have that plastered on the exterior?
You are sooo right, this car looks like a freshwater "corydoras cat". check it out- Aquarium Fish Deals - Catfish - Corydoras Fish Species Our Prius ARE BEAUTIFUL!
you call that a review? what did we learn? nothing. no way they had the car for a few hours. unless it was just to sit in it.
My Prius has decals proclaiming the electric gas hybrid-ness of it - I would certainly have decals proclaiming the EV-ness of the Leaf! :thumb:
There is a small "zero emission" that will be on the vehicle - much like the hybrid drive on the Prius. Not the 5 feet long one ... But, there is an eco package a lot of us are buying that will have some decal. I'm hoping it is not as big ...
This car looks like a crude version of a fully electric car about 5 years from now: maybe about half the price and a range equal to a tankful of gas. That will be my next car--not this prototype.
Prius tankful gives 500 miles. If you believe you can get an EV for 15K that gives 500 miles range by 2015, you must also believe in tooth fairies.
I saw one in "real life" the silvery light bluish color. I did not think it (Leaf) was ugly. My thoughts are that it is a little smaller than I would like it to be but I am not in the market for a new car for at least a few years so it is not an issue (my Prius has 15k miles) I think red with those decals is not the best color choice, maybe on another car like this.
I can't help but see some kind of mutant frog or amphibian. The review states this: "•Ugggggly. We did manage to badger Nissan into providing a photo of a red one, and jazzed up thus it almost averts a gag reflex. Otherwise, stinko." It's like some of these companies do no research or surveys on what styling consumers actually prefer, and it must surely kill sales. It drives me nuts.
No ... it's an add on that you can get, if you want it. Personally, I'd just a soon have a sticker on my forhead that said, "Look at meee, I'm a dweeb!" and yet I love to funny looking sucka
Hmm,, Here we go again with all this garbage regarding style, and NO COMMENTS REGARDING SUBSTANCE. The car is the way it is to get miles/charge. Get over the petty eye-candy comments, PLEASE....
Maybe by 2020. A breakthrough in battery technology is needed to get the battery cost down. See this month's issue of MIT's Technology Review. Until then, hybrids will dominate.
2011 Nissan Leaf Road Test Review - First Affordable Zero Emissions Car Tested 2011 Nissan Leaf Review 2011 Nissan Leaf Full Drive - Motor Trend