I couldn't find the ad, but one I've seen on my TV is a waste of advertising $, in my opinion. It states the Prius uses 80% less gasolene. Most potential American buyers are not math-enabled and wouldn't understand that that's equivalent to 5 x mles-per-gallon. Of course, Prius doesn't need TV ads; they can sell all they make by word of mouth. But it's a shame to see dollars wasted that way. I'd like to express my opinion to Toyota, but couldn't find an appropriate email address.
"uses 80% less gasolene"??? :blink: . . . or are you thinking of . . .. “80 percent less smog-forming emissions"? http://www.autoweek.com/news.cms?newsId=103229
Patrick,, you may be right. The text stays on the screen for such a short time, I may be rememberiing it incorrectly. Anyway, my point was most Americans can't do the math implied by "80% less than".