?huH (Huh?) .for expressions mathematical solely used notatioN polisH reversE was thought have I for years these alL (And for all these years I have thought that Reverse Polish Notation was used solely for mathematical expressions.) .myself help couldn't, sorrY
I am not sure what OP was trying to say either, but my guess is he discovered the energy saving advantages of driving down a hill slower than 85 mph. Air resistance increases exponentially with speed.
I guess he found that there is a point where air resistance < energy recovered via regenerative braking.
Well, I use the brakes as sparingly as possible, and I've been getting over 60 mpg lately (65-70 since April) under similar conditions (suburban, Prius-friendly driving and a 26 mile (one way) commute. Braking (however light) is clearly associated with a reduction in MPG for me. Maybe I misunderstood your meaning - did you mean "high" in the sense of "elevated", or in the sense of "cannabinoid-associated"?