I am not sure if I need a new fob. My smartkey quit working. I have replaced the battery, and checked the button under the steering wheel. The little red light on the fob does not blink or light up when I push it. I think I recall this light comming on when a button is pushed. Is this the death of the second fob? (The first one lost it's life years ago in a washing machine) Is there an more affordable fix than $300 from the dealer?
Are you sure the replacement battery is good? Are you sure it was properly installed? I would look there first. Tom
The + side of the CR2032 battery should be facing up, as you remove the plastic cover held on with 4 screws. Even if you restore the fob to operation, you would be well-advised to purchase another Smart fob now, rather than wait for something to happen to the sole remaining fob and then find you are charged a service price in the high 3 digits for a new fob. The programming process is more time-consuming if an existing working fob is not available.
I can try a brand new battery, this one was purchased last time the battery went dead, but a volt meter shows it putting out 3 volts. I did put it in with the + sign showing.