Usually the electric engine will get you off the road, and sometimes several (read 5 or 6) restarts sometimes clears it. THat is what happened in our '04. Our 05 is not in the VIN range.
I wonder if they've added more VIN's to the recall. My VIN is not in the range listed, but when I called the 888 number I was told my car is affected. It's worth making the call!
For those of you who realized the dealerships are clueless: Toyota hasn't really sent out much more than a couple sheets to dealerships saying what is to be done. Dealers probably won't have the grease in stock, most don't. The new reflash hasn't even been loaded into their technical system, so they don't have anything to do the recall yet. It will be a while, so I'm told, before they will be able to handle this stuff. They didn't have much notice about this from corporate the way it sounds. Wonder what's up with that? Best bet: wait till you get the letter, then call the dealer and verify they are able to perform the repairs first. That gives them some lead time.
Just called 1-800-331-4331 (thanks to the person who posted that!) and found out my 2005 Prius, purchased in March 2005, VIN 5700XXXX *IS* affected by the recall. The woman I spoke with at Toyota said cards would be mailed out on Oct. 26th. She then recommended I visit for more information...I laughed and told her I had just been there and found nothing about it, which was why I called her . has the press release but I suspect it will be a few days before they have anything useful posted, like an online VIN checker.
chiral8, My VIN is 50118xxx which I received Sep 23, 2004. I just double checked with Toyota that it is classified as a 2005 model car.
In the grand scheme of things, chill. This Motley Fool article said it best: (On the other hand my VIN is not one of concern, so I guess they fixed the problem before I got it, or not enough of my ilk have had the problem....?)
Not long after purchase of an early 04 it was recalled to have a strip of rubber glued to the underside of the hood to increase enging/electronics protection from heavy rain. I think this was in December 04. The service manager said I needed a software update. It took about forty minutes for the update and the reboot. Do you think this is the same update required as a result of the recent recall? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Just checked the VIN on our '05, built in May of this year. It is between two of the number ranges for the B20U1 group, but not included. Apparently, the serializing is not sequential by manufacture date.
looks like my VIN falls in the range, however, the date doesnt...mine was built in july 2004...i see the dates are from august which is it? according to the vin checker site and need the it looks like it also pre august 2004...
I just heard about this from the Inventory Manager as he came in this morning. As usual, the general public finds out before the dealerships. I checked on TIS and guess what; as of noon ( I left early today ) I could find no info on any new recalls. Just like every other recall, we are the last to know. I have read more info here tonite then I knew this morning. And I would hate to be the one manning the hot line at Toyota. Bet it has been ringing off the hook, :lol: . Just once it would be nice for the techs/dealers to know about something before the public. I would not want to be a service writer right now. "You say you have a recall? Hmm? Don't know anything about any recall." Then the owner procedes to think the dealer isn't worth going back to. Hope this recall doesn't bring a stampede of owners to the dealer. I already have had sales people asking me the past few months about the Prius shutting down because of possible new owners being scared or heard about it.
WR, Don't sweat it, they'll never know the mods have been done and likely wouldn't know what they were if somehow they happened upon the wires and if they did know what they were they couldn't care less. The software update involves plugging into the CAN plug under your dash by the accelerator and running the program/flash. The grease is under the hood. There's no need for them to pull off any trim or anything. I've had my EV button for nearly a year, a NAV speed sensor over ride for nearly as long, a Bluetooth phone override circuit for about a year or so, and any number of other various mods/wires and quirks and never got a word crosswise. Closest ever was with my MFD replacement and the service writer said "We didn't know what those extra wires back there were, but that's your business."--end of conversation.
My 2005 Prius just died on me tonight. Towed to Toyota. I'll find out what's wrong and report back. I just had my 1 year service last week. 7,500 miles. I hope the recall covers this.
get the codes that they retrieve from the computer and post them here, please and someone will confirm what has happened.
not that I don't believe you but........I couldn't find this on the Toyota site, where did you find this data?? PS: glad we have this site....more info than anywhere else!!!!
Okay, at this point there are like 5 parallel threads on this same topic... . . and I've already confused myself as to which one I'd posted in previously, and fired a followup into a different one. I suggest we pick ONE of the above to continue discussion, and let the others terminate here. How about the first of these, entitled "The Official Prius SSC50P Campaign Doc", which seems to have the most hard info about it? That's . _H*
everyone - I just registered & this is my 1st post. I called my Toyota dealership today to ask when I should bring in my Prius because of the stalling recall. I was told the dealership "had been told nothing yet by Toyota" and that I should wait for a mailing. Does this seem S.O.P.? I didn't expect them to jump at working on my Prius (which is fine) for no $$, but I wonder if "waiting" is prudent. Anyone out there know what process is to be followed? Thanks! - martoof