They're not hybrids and I wouldn't call a $4-5K difference "in the same price range" for similarly equipped options (namely ATP).
Ok...where to start? How many of your cars have ATP...the WHOLE ATP PACKAGE, not just NAVI or lane assist? How many of those cars that have ATP package (PCS, LKA, DRCC, IPA etc) and NOT a NAVI? None. Feel free to correct me. Does the ES350 have backup camera and park assist for $38k? My Prius V ATP has all that...and it was way under $35k. Show me where you can actually get ES350 with DRC for $38k?? Show me on an actual dealer lot. Lexus packaged these options...they are almost NEVER found alone. ES350 retails for $35k as a BASE price. Sure, you can get 1-2 grand off MSRP, but you could get more off on a, lets stick to ONE pricing structure for comparison sake. It does show that you have no idea how Lexus operates. Go to your local Lexus dealer website and build an ES for me for under $40k with DRCC, PCS, and rearview camera. You can't. But, i will play along with you show me one that has all that BUT NO NAVI. Go ahead me. In fact, i will make this real me ANY BRAND that has ATP stuff withOUT NAVI. Any manufacturer. You can even pick one from China! I pay more money for features...features that may save my life down the road. How much money do you put on your life? I drive a, i like all the safety stuff. I am sorry that you have put up with one SKS, no lumbar, etc.. Nothing wrong with it, just don't call someone else's purchase decision financially stupid. Because frankly, i would not get a II even if it was given to me for FREE. Ok, i lie, i will take it and trade it in for cash. Your flaws are obvious...calling me a moron won't hide your ignorance!! You're like a little kid with no knowledge yet still opens his mouth. I like how you keep quoting max wattage on speakers, yet have no idea what it means! I see that you went silent real quickly in that thread. Maybe you should do the same here? Build your BMW, Lexus, Acura TL and any one of them have ATP or the fuel efficiency of a Prius? One or the other will be fine...see, i am quite generous! Like above, show me anyone of them with ATP and/or 50 mpg for under $40k. If you cannot, then i suggest you keep your mouth close and move on. Thanks.
Car and Driver says that You'd be better off buying a loaded Prius than a CT200h and I agree. At least with the Prius you would be driving a better looking car that gets better milage and is more flexible in terms of cargo carrying.
I have a black V with ATP, ordered from the factory. My wife loves DRCC, Lane Control, I doubt I'll ever use much. Parking assist, actually works if you are not afraid to use it. I actually used it once to parallel park between a walled in dumpster and another car. A very tight squeeze, it worked beautifully. My dealer told me they don't get many requests for ATP, so they generally don't order the V with ATP on their lot. Nav I thought I would hate after using a top Garmin Nuvi. With my job, I use the Nav daily. I find it has more features than the Nuvi. Again, just a matter of getting used to it.
The only other Toyota with enough crap err I mean tech to rival the Prius V is the 2011 Sienna Limited 2WD. At fully loaded it comes to $46,225. To get a Sienna with only DRCC would set you back 37580 for 2010 and 41310 for 2011. For a Prius V/ATP 34k is very reasonable. Also you have to remember that the Prius has active braking. All the info I found on the Sienna's DRCC and PCS doesn't indicate active braking. It only pre-charge the brakes for the PCS. For slowing down the vehicle while on DRCC, it might down shift to do the slowing down. I just went on Lexus site to check out the PCS and the DRCC on the ES. Just like the Sienna, IT DOES NOT BRAKE FOR YOU!! The IS doesn't offer PCS or DRCC. The GS states that it uses PCS and DRCC but also doesn't say anything about braking for you if crash is imminent. Only the LS and the HS state that it will apply the brakes for you. If you dig deep, having a DRCC and PCS that works like the Prius will cost at least 42k. Checkout the demo videos on Lexus site. Lexus ES - Features & Pricing - Pricing & Options Lexus ES - Features & Pricing - Safety & Security Lexus GS - Features & Pricing - Pricing & Options Lexus GS - Features & Pricing - Safety & Security Lexus LS - Features & Pricing - Pricing & Options Lexus LS - Features & Pricing - Safety & Security Lexus HS Hybrid - Features & Pricing - Pricing & Options Lexus HS Hybrid - Features & Pricing - Safety & Security
Yup, IF ONLY Colonel Ronson did his research instead of opening his mouth, he would not embarrass himself so much. What i wrote a while back:
Good luck in finding a Sienna with just DRCC on the dealer's lot! You will pretty have to special order it. And the Sienna does not have IPA or LKA.
I do my research before I purchase new wheels. I buy pretty much whatever I want (within reason) The V with ATP can not be beat for a road warrior. The tech combined with Prius efficiency makes an unbeatable combination. It's always fun to listen to someone with a base model rail against those of us that have the car that they secretly want! I can't put a price on the PCS system, and LKA. DRCC is the best thing that ever happened to cruise control. I rarely used the CC in my Gen 2, I use the DRCC constantly. The increased SAFETY, comfort, and convenience is worth every nickel, thank you very much.
Not sure if you are still looking for one but Roman Toyota here in Syracuse has 3 silver Prius V's all with the atp package. Was very interested but the last three cars I have had were all silver. Now if they had a White or red I could be tempted.
I bought my V/ATP right off the lot in June of 2009 as soon as they were available. Now, 23000 miles later, I love it even more than when I first got it. I would NEVER buy another car that did not have DRCC or it's subsequent equivalent. The other car in my household has a standard cruise control and I've stopped using it now that I'm used to the DRCC on my Prius. The Lane Keeper is nice but not something I'd miss. The parking assist is a neat "wow" thing to show to friends but I've never used it. It only works if it can park your car in one "swoop". For people used to rocking themselves into tight parking spaces, it's useless. Did I pay a huge premium over the "main-line" Prius models? Yep. Do I regret it? Not for one second. I'm sure that if more people had a chance to test drive it (including a real expressway exposure to the DRCC) they would be more prevalent. Stu
Don't mind Colonel Ronson...he can't even afford cheapo aftermarket speakers for his Prius II. Hmmm, it sure seems like someone bought something well above his means! (Or that his Mommy and Daddy are limiting his allowances!) And he calls us "financially stupid"??!! It is a typical case of "penis envy"...and the sad part is that he claims to be a psychology major!
Boy I missed this this thread being active by a couple of months, but I am glad to have gotten my 2011 V not Five with the ATP. The only thing I could not get was the LKA. Don't know how much use I would have gotten out of the LKA but would still be nice to be fully loaded. I use the DRCC everyday it is the best thing ever. I bought my V because I did not want to wait and or pay through the nose for a comparably equipped CT200h, or get a HS250h. 32kcolors, Thai, cproaudio you guys are my homeboys. As far as the rarity goes there were at least five other trims to every one V on the lots here.
i agree...DRCC is awesome! The nice thing about it and PCS is that it is always on the lookout for help me out when i am least aware. It is perfect for those who text while driving! Of course, with the CT200h, we find that fuel economy drops (42 mpg) in a package that is much smaller (and less practical). Of course, to get PCS, DRCC, etc., you will paying well above $38k (MSRP), if not more. After taxes etc, you will be paying over $40k. And it is nice to see Colonel Ronson shutting up quickly in this he does in the other threads.
I agree. I have a V ATP. This is the only car on the market where you can get this technology at the 30k pricepoint. I drive 120 miles/day and use the DRCC nearly continuously. Although I do my best not to let myself be "distracted", I have encountered several instances where the car is braking BEFORE I see the brake lights on the car in front of my activate. Also, especially when tired, although I FEEL like I'm driving fine, I find the LKA beeping at me more often than when I am well-rested. Parking assist, while really cool, is basically just for fun. Also, I would have opted for not getting the NAV system if it were available. It does an OK job navigating but is nowhere nearly as good as my Tom Tom. If you don't mind dropping an extra 5k on technology, I would definitely recommend it.
Bought my V in Aug. I'm over 21K miles now. Yup 1 K per week. You could not pry the DRCC or LKA out of my cold dead fingers! Nice to know that thanks to these features that prying them out is less likely. I lost a brother in law several years ago to falling asleep at the wheel. The PCS system in my Prius would have likely saved his life. I don't "count on" these features, but it is reassuring knowing they are there.