Mmmmm, I have been thinking about reading PriusChat in Thunderbird. I don't want to become yahoo member.
Try picking it up from It works for me with my NewsGator for Outlook.
I'm trying a news reader on my Blackberry, FeedBurner. It does not like the link . Anyone know a different one, or is that it? I'm going to look for another reader in the mean time...if anyone has suggestions, I'm using a Blackberry 7100. Ken
Nevermind, I found a free, web based feed reader for mobile devices that seems to work pretty well. For those interested, the URL is Ken
Alrighty then. I've got it set up in Thunderbird. I got a bunch of really old posts pulling from the old site. can I do it in all text, no images, and new posts? I've never messed with an RSS before. Gotta try it out before I decide I don't like it.
I don't think you can select those various options yet with it, Tony. I will probably be updating the site software in the next month or so and then we'll have a great deal more versatility with the RSS feeds.
Just reread my own post and realized that it sounds a bit snippy. Wasn't my intent. I like playing with new gadgets and options. Right now, PC in Firefox works great. Seriously doubt RSS feeds will replace the experience.
Is there a URL parameter that can be added to the query string to request only the posts from a particular forum? Also, I noticed a weird thing... If I load this link in my browser (firefox), the XML shows newer posts than when I add a custom section to my google home page. I wonder if google is caching the xml somewhere... mike
I jsut started playing around with the RSS feed yesterday, and I think it will become one of my 'on-the-road' modes for reading priuschat. However, I'd be interested in parameterized feed too. Also, the google feed appears to be an hour or two behind the live feed I see in other readers.
I doubt there's a parameter, but I've been using SharpReader and you can sort by forum and delete or ignore posts to forums you aren't interested in.
I've been on the road alot lately, and have been using the RSS feed. Love it. A minor request Danny, if possible: The topic name is formatted like authorname:topic while the author field is blank. Is there a way to trim the topic to be only the topic, and put author in it's seperate field? Would allow me group/sort by topic as well as author. I am using sharpreader, so maybe the limitation is with this reader? Anyone else have this problem, or is it not a problem with other readers. Thanks!