I've searched but have not seen it mentioned. I haven't read the owners manual since I bought the Prius and I don't plan on to. I figure Toyota is smart enough to design a car that anyone with enough common sense should be able to operate it without reading the manual. I've seen some Prius how to videos in the past. One being on the Dynamic Radar Cruise Control. Since the Sienna is new for 2011, Toyota has made some how to videos for the Sienna as well. One thing I noticed that was mentioned on the Sienna but not on the Prius is the ability to disable the Radar and essentially turn it into a dumb cruise control. Today I looked at my cruise control stalk and noticed the "MODE^" I turned on my cruise and the MFD displayed RADAR READY. I pushed the cruise stalk forward (opposite of pull to cancel) for 2 seconds and sure enough the RADAR READY screen disappeared and the little cruise ON indicator light with a little car on top turned off. Another cruise ON indicator light with only the needle lit up. I didn't set the speed to try it out but I'm sure it won't slow down the car if I started closing in on the in front of me. Wow I learned something new today.
Thanks muchly. That would be really useful in rain when the radar gives up the ghost due to reflections off the raindrops.
This has been mentioned on here before, but it's good that you brought it up again as it's a little known fact.
So you are proud of not reading the manual and finding "new" information probably outlined in bold about how to operate your car?
At least he's seeking out info. I have a friend who refuses to learn anything by reading, and is an Internet Luddite -- it would never occur to her to look up info about her car online. Instead, she'll drive 30mi out of her way to go to a Toyota place to ask them how to do something, rather than save herself some time. She has a 2005 Prius, with the $3K built-in Nav and never learned how to use it, even being shown twice by the Toyo sales guy on 2 separate occasions. She continues to print out directions on Mapquest (notoriously wrong at times) and uses those instead of learning the Nav system she overpaid for. < shakes head >
Proud? no, observant? yes. Most "new" information "discovered" by someone here are documented in some owners manual somewhere. Most people ask questions that can be answered if they read the owners manual but people don't. That's they came up with "RTFM" Also a lot of information are buried under pages and pages of threads and posts. That's also why people don't search and read through all the posts to get the answer they seek. They just simply post a new question then get flamed. :focus:There are no thread dedicated to disabling the radar on the DRCC so I though I share it.