How about some more information on the MFD? Here is a theoretical design of the MFD for future Prius: So what to you think? Please cast your vote! Shows the new-style MFD with rich colors and gauges for 12 volt battery status, engine temperature and RPMs. This replaces the HSI. Now, on top you will get outside temp, a light indicating when a glide is achieved, a condensed ECO oval icon with shifting colors for ECO ranges and an ENGINE ON light. This rendering shows a "glide mode" where the EVs are powering the car. This shows the new-style MFD when both the EVs and the ICE are operating. Note the ECO icon lights soft yellow to show some engine power is utilized (formerly, the right half of the HSI bar) This rendering shows how the status will look when the former HSI bar was in the red zone called PWR. Now, the ECO icon turns red with the acronym PWR shown inside. Also, the ENGINE ON will illuminate. This view shows the new-style MFD during a regenerative braking. The ECO icon changes to soft blue with the acronym CHRG displayed Just after the READY mode is achieved, this display could show the driver that the 12 volt battery is low on charge Just after the READY mode is achieved, this display could show the driver that the 12 volt battery is very low on charge and may not operate the sub-systems. Possibly, the next attempt to READY the systems will not work. This view shows a warning that the ICE coolant temp is getting too high. This display shows a warning that the ICE coolant temp is in excess - stop the car! During extreme accelerations, if the ICE rpms exceed RED LINE, a warning will be displayed on the tachometer. This could be the new warning if the HV battery is getting too low. A technical view could be set up by the driver's preference Another possible driver set preference showing wide-open throttle
This would almost seem 'easy' to build for them. For certain, a lot more information can be seen on this screen. Not sure if it is all needed or not, but anything provide us with more information, and a nicer looking display with colors, I am all about.
And it would save many Prius owners from having to invest in ScanGauge II systems to get this data. The most important gauge (IMO) would be the 12 volt battery health display. There are countless threads here on 12 volt batteries failing. This new design would give owners a "heads up" trouble was coming. Thanks for your feedback.
I think it's too one dimensional. They all look the same from a distance and it's going to be difficult to remember which is which until you become very familiar with them. Ideally, they all should look different from each other.
Anything is possible since it is multi-function display unlike the other gauges which are in a fixed position in the cluster. The current MFD is not that large and off to the right-side of a dash cluster centered in the car. So there's not too much real estate to work with in there. What would you propose as the shapes? If it were me designing, the entire dash cluster would be directly in front of the driver making it easier to glance down for information.
From a technical standpoint, this display would be helpful. Although the Prius is a highly technical car, Toyota is wise in marketing it to the general consumer interested in the interactive displays (ie. leaves growing, trees growing, etc). For the next gen MFD, I would hope that Toyota would at least switch to LED/LCD technology with customizable gauge layouts depending on driver preference. Like 32K, I think it's a bit too similar and would require additional attention off the road to comprehend.
MFD? What a useless piece of trash. Go look at my post in the "summary of future improvements". I can't believe you people are easily impressed by the upcoming MFD. The "MFD" should be NOTHING more than a OLED capacitive touchscreen monitor (NOT LCD/LED powered). It should be connect internally to a computer in the trunk of the car that also gets information from the Prius through USB/serial. It should be connected to a wireless antenna (4g with fallback to 3g/rx) that replaces the useless satellite radio antenna. Then you should be able to install Prius software that displays all the "cool" instruments on the monitor. Because it comes as a "software package", you should be able to install your own computer and just install the Toyota Prius software package on top of windows. You should be able to install ANY windows software also. You should be able to stream slacker music while driving and tell it to change songs using voice commands. You should be able to turn the car on and have the carputer adjust the PSI and temperatures based on climate data from GPS coordinates. Imagine the possibilities of installing ANY software you want. Imagine the possibilities of the carputer having access to the different "systems" in the Prius (engine, TPMS, fluids, ventilation, suspension and structure etc). Going on a rough road? The carputer detects this and adjusts the tire pressures. Just hit a huge pothole? See the structural damage analysis shown by the carputer. Need to get somewhere fast? The carputer checks traffic data in realtime and does some number crunching to calculate routes. Need to see if you need service? See component wear and tear in REAL TIME. Got a component problem? The diagnostic app contacts Toyota and downloads REALTIME data based on error code and solution. Stuck in a long 6 hour detour? Cool, goto amazon VOD and watch a movie. Need to look at your center console to change something while in traffic and the car in front just moved? The center console tells you the car in front of you just moved so you should move to. There is an app for everything! To reduce costs, Toyota just has to publish a "app plugin system" so third parties can develop their own apps that "pops in" the Prius Software "dashboard" in windows. That is REAL innovation.
The likelyhood of the new-look MFD becoming a future improvement aside; its a heck of an idea but could use a little more in the graphic design department. Despite the utilitarian, geometric looks a wealth of info is within eyeshot. If the display doesn't jack price up any it works for me.
How about Toyota providing an API for the graphical display. That way third party applications could be written to allow customization. All of the control software is safely isolated on ECUs; why not let the technical community contribute to the user interface? This approach has worked very well in the Open Source community. Tom
More useful information. I would like to display air temperature in degrees Celsius to conform with the US System of Measurement (SI).
The US System of Measurement is not SI, and uses degrees Fahrenheit as the standard unit of temperature. Tom
For that to happen, you need a carputer, period. All Prius should come with a carputer with Windows and Prius Software Dashboard installed. You should be able to install your own carputer if you want and then install the Prius Software after installing Windows. The Prius driver software package automatically tells the carputer to goto sleep when the car turns off etc etc. Prius software dashboard allows any app developers to develop apps for it and also to read ANY of the Prius' system data and maybe even adjust it. Taking a road trip in different climates? Have the climate app change the car climate based on exact GPS coordinates in REAL TIME! Imagine a Radar system that can be installed and a Radar app that will scan the road surface ahead for potholes and blocks. It quickly warns the driver that there is a pothole ahead or a sudden block in traffic and to slow down. You want to use the US measurement system? That's fine, it's called "localization" and Windows by default supports it. Change your localization settings in Windows and the Prius software will display it in african if you wanted! Hell, you can display the water pump RPM if you wanted to. You DECIDE what you want and HOW you want to display in the Prius Dashboard software. Not Toyota. Not the dealership. On my current Prius, I have installed a UMPC with 3g. I can stream slacker, pandora, youtube, grooveshark (who needs satellite radio?) and use voice commands. I can display the air temperature in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. The new MFD by Toyota cannot. I can get the latest weather data directly from NOAA based on exact GPS coordinates. Can the new MFD do that? No. Want to post your MPG data? There is an app for that too! Toyota has a huge opportunity to grab the market (there is zero competition in this area) and develop a "Vehicle App Dashboard System" (VADS) software that can be installed on Windows and reads/adjusts vehicle systems data. Once everybody starts developing millions of apps for it, other manufacturers will probably buy the VADS software from Toyota and install it on their cars too....this would also lead to standardization in diagnostic systems and error data.
What isn't shown (but implied) is that any measurements displayed in the English system can be easily converted to Metric by pressing the km/h mph button to toggle. This would pertain to the outside temp (upper left) and the temperature gauge to get to centigrade, if desired.
As long as they want to add some color, they should have the fuel gauge turn yellow or red when you are at the last bar. It is easy to miss the little faded monochrome blinking cursor until the fuel is dangerously low. Most cars have a dedicated low fuel warning light that lights up only when the fuel gets low, but the Prius omits this.