got proof? i distinctly remember the the media reported the coalition forces were to stay away from them unless totally necessary to enter or fire upon. i only found one so far and it was full of 40 militants. thats why that one was destroyed. if you look around you'll see that the sunnis and shites were attacking each others mosques. US bombs Fallujah mosque - Iraq -
[ame=""]Dailymotion - USA iraq a mosque is destroyed - a News & Politics video@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]. Yes, the Sunnis and Shiites are bombing each others' mosques, thanks to the U.S. barging in saying "Hey, you know what you guys need? You need a long, bloody civil war!" Edited to say: Why is it showing four video boxes when I only want two? Edit #2: Now it's only showing two, but it's two of the same one. Wth?
how do you know that wasn't the one with militants inside? you don't here's a video, that was on fox news, that shows the location of body parts from 911 360 ft to 1,135 ft from the ground zero mosque and Emam Rauf warning/threat to America about not building the mosque scroll down for the video Fox News uses map of 9/11 body parts to fight ‘ground zero mosque’ | Raw Story you know the word......Taqiyya they are lier's
this kind of post makes me sick. you're obviously a person that just looks for ways to bash this country. in case you haven't heard yet, a strong majority of Americans today supported the efforts in Iraq, and a world without saddam is a better world.
Could this not be turned round - Isn't Islam at direct odds with the American System of Government (The West)?
he said she said. it's all the same. big time culture clash. yankee go home Muslims go home stay in your own lands, stop pushing your own agenda on each other, respect each others culture. visit but don't live here. unfortunately it won't work with Muslims because they want to take over the world just like the Nazis and the fundamentalists will ultimately want kill all non-muslims. have a good day! :thumb:
Imam calls for moderates to join together, fight extremism - "The real battlefront, the real battle we must wage together today, is not between Muslims and non-Muslims, but it is between moderates of all faith traditions against the extremists of all the faith traditions. We must not let the extremists, whatever their faith, whatever their political persuasion, hijack the discourse and hijack the media. That only fuels greater extremism." On the idea of strict Islamic or Sharia law, Rauf said Muslims already practice sharia law -- in their dietary restrictions, when they pray, fast or when they bequeath their estates to their children under American law, for instance. Ninety percent of Sharia law is consistent and compatible with the U.S. Constitution, he said, and the areas of difference are "small and minor." Also -
The worst of our society is showing itself over the Multi-Cultural Center, and that is the saddest part, instead of showing who we should be, we are showing who we really are, we hate our own people.
Or do a minority actually hate their own people enough to want to blow them up (including themselves)?
i think we could do without the nazi references. it's counter-productive and inflammatory. if you're simply going to write off anyone that has a different opinion, then what's the point? people who support this project are not terrorists, and those who oppose it are not racists. they are people who disagree. guess what? it will always be this way. you can't expect people of radically different cultures, religions, geographies, etc. to not disagree.
Yes, why? History is full of examples... (and no, they were not all from the supposed "axis of evil", for the [ame=""]manichean[/ame] adepts reading this thread).
+1. But making strawman arguments is much easier than dealing with all the subtleties of reality. I tend to think the same but the [ame=]Multiculturalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] model, as found in UK or Canada, proposed that you can fully expect this and it does seems to work, at least in some countries (UK has had their own issues with this model). Note that as someone from Quebec, I don't personally agree with this model, but I wanted to point out that it can work and it does work, to a point, in some parts of the world.
It seems to be working on this side of the country. Do you feel multiculturalism is a threat to your culture?
Just an observation. Times have changed. In the 1980's when Libian leader Muammar Gaddafi saw to it that a certain (Lockerbie) 747 was blown out of the sky, the U.S. President seemingly took it upon himself (with ostensibly the legislative approval) to shoot missles at Gaddafi's home ... killing some of the occupants, including close Gaddafi family members. The dust settled, and Muammar seemed to have lost his desire to follow his earlier policy of giving terrorist a safe haven in his country. Also, when Gaddafi took over Libia, he sent virtually all the Italians (maybe he feared they'd have a future coup, and get deposed, just as he had deposed the leader before him) living in Libia packing ... no due process, just "get-out". In the 1980's few U.S. citizens seemd to debate the right or wrong of what the U.S. did to Libia ... unlike the mosque situation, modernly. Just a bit of history, w/out any judgement ... just a note how times change ... good - bad - or neutral.
I was hardly alive at the time but I do know there was plenty of debate about the actions against Libya. Also, the bombing was not in response to PA103, which occurred 2 years later...
As we are around 6 millions francophones, surrounded by about 300 millions anglophones, you don't need to be paranoiac to know your survival as a people/nation is at stake in the long term. That said, immigration plays an important part of the society renewal; Quebec does favor immigrants from francophone states (France, Maghreb, Haïtï, ...). I would say that we have adapted the Canadian concept of multiculturalism with a twist: if you want to live here, you should preferably speak french as you come, if not, we will (try to) help your learn it and your children will learn it through school, and by coming here you agree with our common values (french is the official/work/common language, women=men in rights, we live in a "société de droit", have established laïcité, and are an open-minded/liberal society, ...). Anyway, this is off topic to this thread. :focus: